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Disclaimer: I don't own the material in this story except for what I come up with. The rest belongs to Stephenie Meyer.

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I slowly drifted awake and felt well rested. I layed still for a few moments feeling content and kept my eyes closed.

I suddenly realized that I couldn't feel Alec's cold arms around me and instantly opened my eyes.

My eyes caught a letter beside my face and I quickly read through it.

There has been an emergency with the mission. Aro needed me to go meet Jane and the others asap. I will be back as soon as I possibly can. When you wake up... go straight to the throne room. They can protect you while I'm gone. I love you so much, and be safe.


I sighed and suddenly heard an unfamiliar male voice behind me.

" A bit protective isn't he."  the voice stated.

I stiffened and flipped over in bed to face the voice.

He was beautiful. A vampire of course. Nowhere as beautiful as Alec in my opinion, but still breathtaking to look at. He had short spiked brown hair, pale skin... of course, and the Burgundy eyes that came with being a vampire.

His next words made my blood turn cold.

" We are here." He said with an evil glint in his eye.

I opened my mouth to scream but he quickly put his hand over my mouth to silence me.

" Now, now, now Anna... you don't want to make me angry now... do you? I swear if you fight against me or scream... I'll kill you." He said so calmly it made me sick.

I reluctantly obeyed and started to cry as he picked me up bridal style.

" Don't be so uptight... think of it this way.... we are going on a little... uh... haha...vacation. " He said as he whisked me out of the room and to my dismay the castle. Well so much for going to the throne room to be protected.

I almost changed my mind and started to scream, after all he could have been bluffing. But I couldn't make myself do it. I had to try my best to stay alive for Alec. Oh Alec, I miss him. What will this do to him?? I have the crapiest luck.

The vampire ran for what seemed like forever. I could tell that we were no longer in Italy, the landscaping was different. 

I couldn't get myself to speak, I felt to sick to my stomach. It seemed like hours before he stopped running and shoved me into a tiny house. He put me down on the brown couch and walked to the other side of the room and stared at me. I ignored him and looked around at the house. It looked cozy, but I didn't at all feel at home.

The living room was relatively small and painted a beige color. The couch and chairs were brown and there was a glass table in front of the couch that held sports magazines.

I looked up at the vampire; I was ready to ask my questions.

" Who are you?" I asked sounding surprisingly calm and steady.

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