Reena - Dinner Time

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Dinner is less awkward and I'm thankful for that. Mr. and Mrs. Max both ask me questions about school and what I have planned for my future now that a baby is on the way. I tell them school is good and although I'll be having the baby in June, I'll still be going to college.

"Well, it's good to hear that you still have your priorities in order." Mrs. Max looks from me to her son who avoids her eyes, "He'll be going to college as well, I know that much." I nod and look at Reed Max whose eyes dart to mine.

"So, your mom, is she okay with you being pregnant?" Mrs. Max asks.

I swallow and shake my head, "No, she isn't actually. The only person who doesn't really mind is my uncle."

"Oh, he supports you. What does he do?"

"He's a doctor at the hospital, a neurosurgeon."

"Oh, that's wonderful." I nod, "And your mother?"

At that, I lay the fork down and look up, "Well−"

"You don't have to answer that," Reed whispers in my ear and I tell him it's okay.

"My mom, she recently lost her job."

"Oh, that's rough. Damn hard economy." Mr. Max says. Eyeing his wife.

"Yes, it is. So your uncle pays the bills, and what about your dad?"

I bite my lips and exhale, "I couldn't tell you if he's dead or alive."

They all look at me with pity and I have to take deep breaths to calm myself.

"Sorry to hear, a father is a really important figure for a child." Mr. Max says, looking at his son.

I take another bite of the asparagus and cheesy pasta when I feel something rise up to my throat. I cover my mouth and grab Reed's hand. "Bathroom, now."

He pulls me up and we rush to the nearest bathroom, where I slouch over the toilet emptying my stomach while Reed, holds my hair and rubs my back. When I'm done, I wash out my mouth and sit on the floor, welcoming the feel of the cold tile against my skin.

We hear a knock on the door and Reed opens it to reveal his mother, "Are you okay?"

I nod, rubbing my belly.

"Does it happen often?"

"Not really. Just can't keep anything down since Thursday."

"That's morning sickness for you." She says matter-of-factly.

"It's not morning Mom," Reed says, looking at me worriedly.

"She'll be fine Max." She looks directly at me, "Reena, you'll be fine. Just wait until you can't stop eating and the weird cravings. It's all just a part of being pregnant."

I nod. "Thanks."

Mrs. Max nods, still looking at me but her face is now less serious, "Have you had a check-up?"

"No, but I can ask my uncle." I close my eyes and concentrate and trying to take deep breaths.

"Tomorrow after school I'll take you to a clinic." Mrs. Max says and I feel Reed squeeze my hands. "You will be needing prenatal & multi-vitamins, among other things."

I open my eyes and look at her, smiling a little. "Thank you."

"No problem, you are carrying my grandchild after all." After saying that she stands there, staring at my belly and smiles before she looks up at me with a blank stare, "I'm really going to be a grandmother."

Reed Max looks to me chuckling and I smile.


Sorry that it's short, hope you still enjoyed it.

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