Reed Max - Dr. Visit Part II

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"What do you mean her health isn't robust?" Mom asks, her voice soft with concern.

"She's anemic."

"Anemic?" Reena repeats, and the doctor moves closer to her side.

"Ms. Reena, do you feel tired and weak regularly?" She asks, and Reena looks at me.

"Yes, she does," I confirm and Reena nods, taking a deep breath as she looks down at her stomach.

"So what does mean for the baby, and her?" Mom says, staring at me.

"Well," the doctor sits on the bed beside Reena and takes a hold of her hand, "it could mean a difficult pregnancy for both of them. But since you're so early in your pregnancy we can make sure that's not the case." She stops and smiles, "What you need to do is eat more food that will help increase your blood count, because it is low, very low for someone in your condition. So, consume more fish, eggs, cheese, milk, beef, pork and lamb."

"And liver as well right?" Mom asks and the doctor shakes her head, "No, not while she's pregnant."

"Okay," Mom says and the doctor nods.

"Now with that included in your diet, you should start seeing a difference. In the next two weeks I want you to check back in so we can see just how much of a change it is making, and if it's not, then we can try hemoglobin medicine. Okay, and don't worry. You'll be fine."

Reena nods and smiles, but in her eyes, I can see fear. I squeeze her hands and kiss her on her forehead, hoping she'll know I'm here with her. Whenever she needs me.

"You'll be okay, I promise." She nods, wiping the tear from her eyes and smiling. I don't know how I'm going to keep this promise but, I'm going to try my hardest.

The doctor bids us goodbye and leaves. I help Reena get ready and then we leave for home, I tell her to stay with me for the night and she agrees, as well as my mom, who stops at the grocery store to buy food that will help increase her blood count.

During the car ride, she falls asleep and when we get home instead of waking her I lift her from the car and take her to my room. The entire time, I feel worried about her little weight and it scares me that she's going through all of this.

When I lay her down, I watch her for a few minutes then make my way downstairs to mom whose in the kitchen cooking up a storm.

"Mom... " I stop speechless as I sit around the table. I don't know what to say, after what the doctor said, I feel so out of whack and useless because the mother of my child is going through so much and I can't do anything to make her better.

Mom comes over and sits beside me, "Max, don't feel bad. I know you and not being able to do something to help her is driving you nuts but trust me, you can do other things. You can comfort her and just be there emotionally for her."

I smile and look at her, "Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome. Now go stay with her, I'll let you know when dinner is ready." She kisses me on the head and returns back to the stove.

I move back to my room where Reena is still out cold. I take my shirt off and lie beside her, pulling her close to my chest. When I feel her rounded stomach touch my skin, I tremble and rub my head in her thick hair.

"You'll be fine." I place my hand on her round belly, and she exhales. "I promise."


Happy Reading and Merry Christmas! 🎊

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