Reed Max - Dr. Visit III

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It takes no time after we arrive for Reena to see the doctor, we enter into the room and I help her onto the bed. When a nurse comes in and starts prepping, I stand to the side watching her reveal her round belly. When Reena sees me watching, she smiles and rolls her eyes.

"Are you okay Ms. Waters?" The nurse asks and Reena nods, taking a deep breath and rubbing her hands across her belly.

"Nothing to be nervous about, you'll be just fine." Reena gives her a smile but when she leaves, her smile falters and I move to her.

"Reena, everything will be fine." I kiss her on her forehead then kiss her on her tummy.

When the doctor steps in, I move to the side and give her a small smile. "Ms. Waters and Mr. Max. It's always good to see both parents." She smiles brightly at the both of us before turning around to the machine and turning it on.

When we hear a whooshing sound, Reena eases up to look. Her eyes brighten as she looks at me.

"Well," the doctor says, staring entirely at the machine, "Everything looks fine here. Heartbeat is strong, the form is coming along quite beautifully. Everything is just fine." She turns around and gives Reena a smile who exhales a deep breath and wipes at her eyes. "You're almost five months pregnant now, nausea has passed I hope."

"Yes, thank God." Reena says taking a deep breath, "I just wish the tiredness would leave too."

The doctor smiles, "It all depends, let's just hope it does." Reena nods and rubs her belly, " So, any cravings yet?"

"Ice." I look at her and she shrugs her shoulder, I didn't know she started having cravings.

"Ice?" I repeat and she nods.

"Hard ice, although ice cream sometimes does the trick."

The doctor's face grows serious before she looks back at the machine, then back at us, "Do you guys want to know the sex of the baby?" Reena looks at me and I smile.

"Well for me, I like surprises."

She smiles and turns her attention to the doctor, "No it's fine, we can wait."

"Alrighty then." She begins to remove her gloves and sits next to Reena. " Now, you should come see me in about three weeks. Continue eating fruits, drink water and don't try to overwork yourself."

Reena looks at her with a blank look, "I'm already peeing seven times for the day, and you want me to drink more water?"

"Yes, I do." She smiles and stands. "It's for you and the baby. We want you to have a healthy pregnancy and baby, plus Mr. Reed here will help you in any way he can. Am I right?"

She looks at me then and I nod, "Reena already knows this." I bring my face down to hers and kiss her on her cheek.

"Even when I'm over three hundred pounds?"

Before I can respond, the doctor laughs. "If that's what you're so worried about then no, you won't get to that weight, Ms. Waters. I can promise you that."

She steps to the door, bids us farewell and leaves. "Is that what you're really worried about? Gaining weight? Because that's normal."

"I know it is, but I still can't help that I might gain the weight and not take it off after the baby."

I give her a dark smile and she rolls her eyes, "That's what I'm here for. I know the exact exercises we can do to get and keep off the weight."

The laughs and I assist her in getting off the bed. "And then what, get pregnant again?"

"I always wanted a lot of kids."

She gives me this rather odd stare before laughing. "Well, you began quite early."

"I think it's a perfect time. You're here, I'm happy and our daughter is healthy."

"You're welcome Mr. Max." I smile and she kisses me.

"Okay let's go, are you hungry?"

"Starving!" She exclaims and I smile.

"Ice?" I ask and she laughs. "No Reed. Food, I'm hungry for food."

"Good. Mom made my favorite."

"Your favorite?" She says, giving me a wicked stare, "I thought I was your favorite."

That comment gets a rise out of me and I turn to look her up and down. "I didn't say you weren't." When she catches me biting my lip, she laughs and I pull her towards me. "You're the best thing that could ever happen to me. Never forget that."

"I won't." She says and cups my face. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Yes, it's short. I'll do better next time. Thank you for reading.


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