Chapter 11

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"I made you some more pancakes," Cathy sets a fresh plate of the delightful smelling food in front of me, a hint of pity running behind her light eyes.

I blush, embarrassed that she overheard my little outburst.

"You really didn't have to-"

"No! No! The pleasure was all mine," she cuts me off with a wave of her hand. "Anyways, some of the kids came down and ate yours from before. So don't worry, the food wasn't wasted."

"Thank you," I smile sincerely, pouring a generous amount of syrup onto my pancakes.

Kaden is sitting on the chair beside me, his dark eyes intently focused on me as I devour the plate of pancakes and bacon in no less than 10 minutes.

"Do you want anything else?" his deep voice sounds, as I turn to look at him.

"No matter how much I would love some more bacon, I wouldn't be able to force another bite down my mouth," I pat my stomach, feeling full for the first time in days.

His lips curl as he nods and stands from the chair.

"I want you to meet my sister," he tells me as I follow him out of the kitchen. I slow down a little, not really knowing how to feel. I was still very confused as to why he was treating me like the Queen of England when he should be doing the opposite. It was a very odd thing...


Sensing my hesitation, he slows down to match my pace and begins to explain.

"I know you feel very weird being here, and you probably wonder why I'm treating you so nice." It's like he was reading my thoughts.

"Well, there's...there's some things that you...that you don't understand yet," he's very careful to pick his words, and I can sense his own hesitation. "She's going to help me explain."

I nod and look down at the floor. I want some answers, I really do. At this point I know Kaden's intention isn't to hurt me. I can tell by the way he acts around me that that's the least thing he wants to do. So why? Why am I here?

He leads me down a corridor on the far right, and it's eerily quiet. We pass by a few doors that are all closed, and again I begin to wonder what's behind them. My questions are answered when we pass by a room with its door cast open. There's a large bed in the middle of it, a long window broadcasting rays of sunshine across the modernly decorated bedroom.

"Jesus Christ," I mutter under my breath. "So much rooms."

Kaden doesn't say anything, and instead keeps walking until we reach a room near the end of the hall.

He raises his fist to the dark wooden door, and knocks. Only it's not just a normal knock, I can sense some kind of pattern in it. Like it's a code that he's the one knocking.

Kaden has barely finished knocking when the door is quickly shot open.

"Yes, Alpha?" behind the door stands a tall, brown haired guy. His eyes match his hair, they are hazel and groggy with sleep. Was it still morning?

"Good morning, Noah," Kaden gives him a nod. "Is Kasandra awake?"

"No, uh, we sort of had a...long night," Noah grins sheepishly, his eyes gleaming.

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