Chapter 17

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For some reason, it put Chapter 16 before the Rated R or PG page, so many of you didn't realize I updated! So please go read that or you will be confused.



Thank you for reading. I'm so sorry it's been this long. But I do have a life outside of here. ;)

My eyes widen, as my mother looks at me.

"I think you should get that, Natalia," she says gently. She can feel the nerves rolling off of me. "It'll be okay, honey. You just have to talk it out."

I nod wordlessly and step out into the living room. Kaden perks up to look at me, eyes questioning.

"It's Will," I say quietly, unsure how he will react. His eyes darken as he stiffens and stand ups, striding over to me.

He pulls me into a hug and I freeze, not expecting that. I quickly breath in his warm scent, and reciprocate his actions, wrapping my arms around his steady waist.

"Just get this over with, doll," he murmurs, running his hands through my hair. "That way I can do whatever I want to you without you making a big fuss about it," he whispers throatily, his rough hands skimming along my lower half. I shiver, letting out a short breath, as I roll my eyes and pull away from him.

"Not now, Kaden," I bite out, as the doorbell rings for the second time. "I have to get that."

"Honey, the door," my mom calls out from the kitchen.

"Yes, yes," I mutter, and glance back at Kaden. "Behave yourself. Don't make it worse than it needs to be."

He just crosses his arms across his chest, and goes to stand by the window, pacing back and forth.

Finally, I make my way to the door. I suck in a deep breath, as I pull the door open, bracing myself.

Will is standing there, eyes dull and tired, with his arms crossed across his chest. His hand is pressed to his temple, his blonde hair shaggy and out of place. God, he looks awful! I can't help but wonder if it's worry over me that has him like this.

"N-Natalia?" He gasps, eyes wide in disbelief.

"Will..." I trail off. "Hey."

He quickly embraces me in his arms, wrapping them tightly around my body. His familiar scent wafts into my nose, and I close my eyes as I return his embrace.

I can't help but notice how his arms aren't as strong and taut as Kaden's. The hug lacks everything that Kaden makes me feel when wrapped in his arms, and it's missing that warm, pine, minty scent that I've become accustomed to.

Slowly we pull away, and Will is still looking at me in wonder.

"What happened to you, Natalia?" He questions me, eyes full of concern. "Where did you go?"

I bite my lip.

"Why don't we go for a walk, Will?" I suddenly change my mind. I can't break the news like this to Will. I can't just shove Kaden in his face, he already looks so hurt.

"I don't know Natalia," he says back in a daze, eyes sullen.

"Please. I have to explain to you, and the fresh air will help clear our minds." I grab onto his shoulder, pleading with my eyes.

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