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"Can I help you?" Kirito asked being squeezed by a strange girl.

Her voice expressed urgency. "Kirito! You have to logout! You are missing IRL!"

"Okay... So how do we get it?" Alice asked in confusion, thinking that 'IRL', was some kind of stat or item.

Nikko snarled and her eyes turned red. She came in between Kirito and the others, protectively.

"Nikko! Settled down! They don't mean any harm." Kirito tried to calm her down. Even though, he didn't know what their intentions were.

Nikko relaxed and sat down, her eyes returned to normal. She tilted her head, curiously.

Eugeo just stared in awe. "How could you not introduce me to all your friends! You never mentioned you had other friends." He mused.

"My name is Asuna." She gestured to each of her friends, that were taking their place next to her. "This is Klein, Sinon, Leafa and LizBeth. We have been looking for Kirito, everywhere."

"Whhyyy?" Kirito felt a little creeped out. He didn't know who they were, so why would they be looking for him?

"Because you have to logout!" Asuna put her hands on her hips. "You have been here for so long and you will fall too far behind in your classes."

'Classes? Log out? Does anything she say make sense?' Kirito sighed. "I can't!"

"Yes, you can! I know the logout button is in the main menu." Asuna slid her finger through the menu and showed him, where it was.

He gave her a slightly frustrated 'why-do-I-even-bother' kind of gesture, as he pulled up his own menu and showed her, that he didn't have one. "See..."

"The system won't let you log out! That's just ridiculous!" Klein roared at no one in particular.

Sinon joined in. "He is using a different type of rig. Maybe that rig doesn't allow him to log out?"

"I'm just glad to see you again, Kazuto!" Leafa was just happy to see him again. Things were starting to look up.

"Uhhh... what...?" Kirito said under his breath.

"Do you have Yui?" Asuna asked insistently.

"No, but would you like to join us?" Eugeo flirted.

"Eugeo!" Kirito protested.

"The more the merrier. If they are friends of yours, we could form a party and conquer the next boss together." Alice agreed with Eugeo, which was a rare occurrence.

"No way!" Kirito retorted firmly. No way, was he going to join parties with a bunch of creepy stalkers. Kirito turned away from them and started walking away.

"Kirito! What is the problem with you? Your friends seem to be up for it!" Asuna felt really hurt. She had come all this way. He wasn't getting away without explaining himself.

"Don't worry, Asuna. I will wear him down." Eugeo winked with a smile across his face.


Kirito and his friends distanced themselves from the others.

"How could you hold out on us? How could you keep such a cute girl all to yourself?" Eugeo pressed.

"I don't know them!"

"Then you won't mind if I sweet talk Asuna, do you?" Eugeo smirked slyly.

"Knock yourself out..." Kirito sighed.

"You have to help me out, man! I want to get to know her and there is no better way, than to have her join our party." Eugeo smirked.

Kirito sighed again in defeat. "Fine..."

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