Shiro Help Us!

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They logged on and found Shiro, with his back to the door of their house, in terror.

Everyone stared at him in shock, not sure if he was there to kill them.

"Would someone tell me, what is going on here! What has gotten into Nikko?!" Shiro secured the door, before he could pry himself away from it, in exasperation.

"Kazuto?!" Leafa approached him.

"You know that already! Why are you all staring at me, like that?" Shiro grew impatient.

"You're not Kirito?" Sinon asked.

"No. I told you, I made another account. What is going on...?" Shiro had a really bad feeling about this, but still needed to know.

"Kirito..." Asuna approached him. "Is the leader of Laughing Coffin..."

His face turned pale, like the blood drained out of it. "You're kidding!" Shiro slid through his menu and noticed that his Kirito account was inaccessible. "Someone else must be logged in, but how?"

"I knew, you wouldn't do anything like that!" Leafa hugged him tightly.

He was thoughtful, for a moment. When Leafa released him from her grip, he knew how to confirm their accusations. "Asuna. Check your item storage! If what you're saying is true, then there should be a great increase of inventory."

Asuna checked it, as he had asked, only to find out that what he was saying was true.

"Then I know how we can draw him to us." Shiro remained thoughtful.

"So what's the plan?" Liz asked impatiently.

"If Asuna discards all her items into the storage hold, in the other room... he will come after us."

"And that's a good thing?! Have you lost your mind?!" Liz retorted.

"We need to find out who he is... We won't find out anything, if we don't confront him." Shiro reasoned.

"Yeah, but we don't stand a chance against him..." Silica whined.

Everyone knew Kirito was the strongest player.

"So he can dual wield... It doesn't mean he's any good at it." That wasn't what upset him, it was someone else being married to Asuna, he didn't like.

Shiro followed Asuna to the other room.

Asuna stood next to the storage hold with Shiro, to select everything and transfer it to the bin.

"Where's Yui?" Shiro asked.

"IRL... Until we could find out what is going on, I don't feel comfortable with her being here." Asuna explained. "By the way... How's the glitching?"

"I am much better. I did those exercises and the doctor approved it. Now I can dive without any cause for concern." Shiro sounded like he won an award.

"Can you talk IRL?"

"No... not yet..."

"Can you recall who attacked you?"

"Sorry, but I can only remember bits and pieces, when I am in game... I don't even know what happened..."

"It doesn't even matter. You're here and soon you will be able to join us IRL, too."

They were getting off topic, so Shiro needed to focus on their task at hand. "We... don't stand a chance. You know that, don't you?"

Asuna didn't like the way, he was thinking. "How can you say that?!"

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