- Chapter Eight -

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- Chapter Eight -

Alina had tears running down her cheeks, making them feel like a waterfall. Her hiccups rang throughout the empty, dark cave. She had finished mourning for the loss of her family, and now she cried endlessly in confusion. She didn't know what was going to happen to her. She was too weak to try and struggle her way free. She feared that the moon goddess is punishing her. For what? Alina not knew the answer.

Alina watched the beautiful result of using her power... As well as the down side. She didn't want to use her power anymore. She didn't even know she had them until Isaiah entered her life. Alina doesn't want this kind of power anymore. She's too young and confused to understand why she has it in the first place.

With her thoughts driving her crazy, Alina ceased her crying and only stared at the darkness before her. She's too young to have her werewolf abilities, therefore having night vision went down the toilet.

Alina let out a quiet sigh. These last few days had changed the little girl's psychology. She had seen the brutality of war and its after effects. She had truly witnessed, and been traumatized, what terror feels like. The young girl will never be the same. A part of her innocent soul had been ripped away from her and it could never be returned.

"Alina," said a quiet deep voice, causing Alina to flinch in fear. Had someone come in to finally eat her? Her fear only grew with that question in mind.

Alina stayed quiet as her eyes wildly searched the darken place. Her breathes were coming out in short pants as she began to struggle against the ropes in her wrists. She wiggles and wiggles until she caused herself to tumble over to her right, landing on the small puddle of urine the rouge wolves left around her. Alina shut her eyes tightly as she felt like crying once again. The urine was soaking into her right side of her head. Her cheek was plastered onto the puddle, her treacherous tears mixing into the puddle.

Isaiah watched in horror, he couldn't believe the scent surrounding Alina. Those beasts had vulgarized Alina with their horrifying need of Marlin her as their territory. A low growl wanted to release itself from within his chest, but he held it in as he quickly rushed over to Alina. It broke Isaiah's heart to see Alina scared and crying. He never wanted to see Alina this way.

With the utmost gentleness, Isaiah pulled Alina up into his chest, his arms beneath her knees and back. He walked further away from the putrid smell of the urine and sat Alina on the floor.

"It's me Alina, Isaiah." He said in the softness tone he could muster with his deep voice.

Upon hearing his voice, Alina cried louder in relief. Her hero had come to save her at last. She couldn't believe that she had succumb to believing her end, but with Isaiah by her side, her positivity will only be present within her mind because she now knows, and strongly believes, that Isaiah will always come to her rescue and keep her safe from the danger of the outside world.

Isaiah quickly untied Alina's wrists from the rope and hugged her close to his naked chest. He didn't care for his lack of clothing at the moment or the fact that Alina was covered in pee. He only saw the importance of her safety. He hadn't found her dead. She wasn't injured besides the slight bruising a that the rope probably left behind on her wrists.

Isaiah sat Alina down and spoke quietly. "I'm going to shift right now and when I do, I want you to climb onto my back. Rouges are still out there," at that Alina quickly held out for Isaiah. Isaiah held his hand out for her to easily grasp in this darkness. "But I think a neighboring pack found the rouges and are fighting them as we speak-"

"Not quite," said a loud voice as light spilled into the cave, illuminating the location in which Alina and Isaiah sat in.

Alina blinked a few times before she got her bearings. She saw a naked Isaiah, which she innocently ignored, and turned to where the light came from. In the entrance stood a large man with a flashlight pointing towards her way. He only wore a pair of sweat pants.

Alina crawled onto Isaiah's lap and his her face onto his chest. Her tiny arms wrapped themselves around his neck, tightly. She was shaking in fear. One event after another, nothing good has been happening and she's afraid if this is what her life will become; being kidnapped and tortured and traumatized by the fear of the harshness that life is throwing at her. Alina didn't want any of that.

Isaiah quickly stood up and held Alina tightly to his chest. He turned sideways, further hiding her from the stranger's view. Isaiah may be weak at the moment but he will fight until his dying breathe to protect Alina.

The stranger watched Isaiah with calculating eyes, his gaze slightly turning to confusion when he takes notice of Alina. "Who are you rouge?" The stranger asked venomously to Isaiah.

Isaiah glared at the man. "Leave us alone. We mean no harm."

The stranger quirked an eyebrow in confusion. He took a whiff of the air and the strong scent of urine burned his nostrils. He coughed and tried to breathe through his mouth to evade the putrid smell. Yet he knew the man before him, as well as the girl, were rouges. He pointed at Isaiah as he spoke. "You're coming with me rouge. And the girl too."

Isaiah bared his canines in anger. "We mean no harm. Leave us alone!"

"Who's the girl? She's not your offspring, therefore I'll take her and initiate her into my pack. She will be well cared for... As for you rouge, you'll be saying your last goodbyes to this world."

Alina held Isaiah tighter upon hearing the stranger's plan. She didn't want to leave Isaiah. She didn't want to be alone in a pack filled with strangers. She didn't want Isaiah's life in danger either.

Isaiah hugged Alina, running his hands on her back to smooth her fears. Yet he still held his glare towards the stranger, who he believes to be an Alpha. His words were a hint to his title; "my pack."

"This girl will not be leaving my sight. She is under my protection and care." Isaiah all but growled out.

The alpha noticed that deep emotion in Isaiah's words. How could a rouge be so passionate? He asked himself as he contemplated of lowering his defense.

"I'm Alpha Servos from the Servos Pack." Isaiah wanted to roll his eyes at the narcissistic name of his pack. How utterly ridiculous he thought. Nevertheless, Isaiah continued to listen to the bald man. "You're not like the other rouges... I'd like to invite you over to stay at my pack. The girl could freshen up, as could you, and you can explain how you two wounded up with these crazed rouges."

Isaiah didn't know if he could trust the man, but he desperately needed a shower, for himself and Alina. As well as some food for Alina, he could slightly hear her stomach making quiet rumbling noises here and there.

Isaiah turned down to look at Alina and quietly spoke to her in her ear. Yet he knew the alpha was listening in with his enhanced hearing. "Do you want to go to his pack to freshen up and get some food?"

Alina was in desperate need to wash the stench off of her, and she was starving. So with a slight nod, she agreed to follow the stranger with Isaiah.

Without waiting for Isaiah to repeat their decision, Alpha Servos threw a pair of shorts at him and said, "Then let's hurry on back then. It's almost dark. Put these on so you don't traumatized the girl further."

Isaiah caught the shorts and angrily pulled them on while Alina held onto his shoulders so she wouldn't fall.

Isaiah followed the man with a few questions through his mind.

Could this man be trusted?

Should he and Alina conceal the truth about her special abilities?

And most importantly, where the hell did he get the shorts?


A/N    Posted: 12-2-16

This wasn't an extreme chapter but I hoped you like it! I dedicate this to all my commenters! (I'm too lazy to go back and tag you here 😅) but you know who you amazing people are!!

Hehe so please Comment & Vote for this chapter if you enjoyed it!

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