- Chapter Fifteen -

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- Chapter Fifteen -

Alpha Damien looked forward to entering Reno. It was a small city, a pack less state, in which ensured Damien that many rouges, of various stages into their dark path, lived. The more rabid ones were probably roaming through the mountains, living like actual wolves. Damien scoffed at the ridiculous notion of people becoming their actual beasts from within.

Damien would eradicate the rouges if he could, however, he had a better plan for them. And for that plan to succeed, he needed the one they call "The Female With The Wolf's Touch". The same wolf that ran away from Damien's father more than a few years back. The wolf Damien is determined to find.

Damien was more than certain that this woman was now living as a rouge. The important part that he doesn't understand is, how she can survive without ever being drawn into her wolf's madness. A rouge can't live that long without a pack, a rouge soon becomes rabid if he or she can't bear the loneliness that comes with being a rouge. It's unnatural for a wolf to be pack-less. There have only been a few rare cases where the rouges never fall prey to their darkness, but it was only known as a fairy tale. No one ever studied rouges, we all simply knew that the rouges eventually go insane and succumb to their animalistic instincts. However, this woman, this woman somehow can reach within the rouge's old soul and returns it, Causing the rouge to become normal.

Or so what his father had told him. He didn't actually believe it himself. He's one of those people who needed to see things with their own eyes to believe something. Damien just hopes that his father hadn't gone mad in his last moments of life when he gave Damien this important mission.

Damien had grown tired of traveling within the car, and having his mind wonder endlessly about the unnatural ways of a rouge. Damien knew the Female rouge he longs to find won't have the answers to the mysteries of rouges, however, he knows that she holds the answers on how she could free them from the dark abyss.

Damien looked out the window, growing frustrated within the confinement of the moving car. He, without turning away from the window, spoke to his brother. "Kaeden. What do you remember of the girl?"

Kaeden turned to his brother with a cocked eyebrow. Damien never turned away from the window, he simply waited for his brother to respond to him. Kaeden cleared his throat and looked forward. Kaeden recalled the few moments he spent with a small girl who had made his heart flutter. It had been his first innocent crush on a girl. But over the years, her features had become fuzzy. He, honestly, couldn't remember how she looked. The only thing he remembers as clear as daylight was her brown colored hair. It was a simple color, yet in his memories, her hair had gleamed beautifully in the rays of sunlight.

"She had brown hair," was Kaeden's simple response.

Damien turned to look at Kaeden, but he was met with the side of his face. Damien shook his head at his brother. Brown hair? That was the only thing his idiot of a brother remembered. More than half the female population had brown hair, and at different shades of brown too. This was becoming ridiculous, Damien thought. He wouldn't find the girl anytime soon if he didn't know how she looked like or where she might be hiding.

Damien was beginning to think that this was a stupid idea. Accepting his father's dying wish in finding a woman who no one knew about.

Damien blew out a frustrated breathe and closed his eyes. He might as well nap the rest of his car ride. He didn't need to get himself angry.


The day had grown dark by the time Damien, his brother, and the driver made it to their destination. They all ventured inside the decent looking motel. Damien sniffed the air, detecting something odd. He wanted to let it go and go up into his room to rest, however, the smell became stronger and stronger until a woman stepped out of a room from the side of the check in counter. Her smell was distinct from other humans, and wolves from packs.

She was a rouge.

She stumbled out with a bottle of liquor in her hand. Her blonde hair was a mess and her outfit was disheveled. Damien knew she was spiraling out of control due to the lack of a pack. First; the rouges sin in the worst possible ways in the human world if they lived in the human areas. Then they become so crazed, as if they were in drugs, until the disappear. Surely that's when they run off into the woods and live as wolves for the rest of their useless lives.

The woman before Damien was going mad. He could care less, but he wanted to see if this woman knew anything about the Female with the Wolf's Touch.

Damien strutted over to the woman, helped steady her as she walked by him. He ignored the look his brother was giving him. Damien knew what he was doing and wanted Kaeden to stay out of his way. "Kaeden. Can you take my bags up to my room. I can't help but aid this woman who seems I'm dire need of it."

Kaeden silently complied to his brother's request while the clerk of the motel scoffed. "That woman comes here to drink her life away. There's no help for her. Might as well leave her for the wolves to eat."

Damien looked at the clerk. "Wolves?" He asked.

The clerk nodded passively as he began to wipe the counter. "There's been a great increase of wolves roaming the mountains and deepest parts of the woods. The crazy people here roam around into the woods and get themselves eaten... or simply disappear. So don't waste your time on her. She'll probably end up dead since she wants to drink to oblivion."

Damien turned back to the woman and guided her towards the stairs. The clerk watched them disappear into the second floor. He shook his head, momentarily thinking that the man can do what he wishes with that woman.

Damien entered his room along with the woman being dragged by him. He sends her flying onto the bed in the room and grabs a chair to sit on. The woman giggles as she slowly rolled herself into a sitting position on the bed. She then finally noticed Damien for the first time. She roamed her eyes up and down his figure, licking her lips in sexual hunger.

Damien rolled his eyes and pulled out a gun from the back of his jean's pocket.

Upon seeing the gun, the woman sobered up a bit and looked at Damien terrified.

"Listen here, and listen carefully." He said and the woman nodded frantically. "I know what you are and I'm hoping you'll give me some good information."

"W-What do y-you mean?" She stuttered but from fear, not from her earlier drunk-ness.

"I know you're a rouge werewolf."

A/N       10-11-17

Another Update! YAY!!

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