Chapter 16

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Nina's POV

I cover my mouth to control my laughter. But I can't help myself from falling on the bed. I lie on the bed covering my face. I put down the phone as I hang up.

*giggle* How childish of you, Rohan!! You slipped your towel when you heard it was me!...

I laugh to my heart's content. He's really cute... I take the phone and give it a little peck and then press it against my chest.

Damn! I missed the scene....

I laugh again. And tears gather to the corners of my eyes.

I wipe away the tears.

No.. If I were there then.... I would see him........

I nod not to oust the bad thought. Beside I blush.....

He makes me blush.... He makes me blush at every step. He always puts me in a embarrassing situation.

When I'm thinking these, my phone vibrate on my chest which makes me jump up.

I rub my face and receive the call.

"*cough to clear throat* I'm fine...." He says at the beginning...

"Oh! That's.... *Giggle* great...." I can't prevent myself from giggling between talking.

"Why so amused?" He asks.

"No... that's not the matter.. actually, I had noticed that your shirt go teared a little.." I say..

"So?" He asks.

"I want to say sorry." I say in a serious tone.

"You wanna apology for a shirt of mine?" He asks.

"Yeah, that's maybe really little affair to you but.... nevertheless..." I say.

"You know that's not little to me.. That was my favorite white shirt. It was branded. You can't remit it." He says.

His sentences make me surprised. It was branded and.... and I can't remit it!!

Getting no response, he says,

"Even if you sacrifice yourself to me....."

Damn! I went to apologize and this is the result.....

I curse myself while pressing my fingers on my forehead.

"But it's OK... I will forgive you..." he says getting no response.

"Seriously? Thank you..." my face beams with joy.

"Yea..... But can you tell me....." He stops in the middle.

"Tell you what?"

"Who's the perfume holder?" He asks finally.

Oh! Shoot! Again.....

"Why do you want to know?" I try to change the topic.

"No.. for nothing. Just from curiosity." He says.

"Oh..." I sigh.

How can I tell him? No, it's not possible. I'm feeling sad that I can't answer him...

"Whoever it is.... Be careful and don't fall in any kind of trap.." He says.

"Sure thanks...." I say and he hangs up without saying anything more..

Fall in trap? I'm already trapped.

I wanted to ask him why he ignored me that day... But he has ignored me this time too.

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