Chapter One

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It had just been a little over an hour ago when the noises had started and my ears caught onto the sound of her light whimpers. While I had known exactly what was going on, Faith had been clueless to what her uncle was really doing behind his locked door. By the time I had arrived at her door, she was already tucked in a dark corner, her small chubby hands squeezing her head as hard as she could manage.

My heart had shattered at the sight, and my wolf practically sprung to the surface.

Now it was a battle between the two of us. I could feel the ripples stretching out across my skin as she fought for full control. It was taking almost every ounce of my power to fight back, the only thing truly keeping me going, being the small child that was gripping my shirt like her life depending on it, her knuckles turning bone-white. 

Being able to do nothing else, I held her tightly against my chest, my hands covering her ears in hopes of keeping her from hearing the screams that were echoing through out the surrounding halls. 

Beneath the surface, my wolf continued to growl out in warning, the deepening sound, nothing more then a light rumble against my chest. She wanted out, badly. She wanted to teach him a lesson and force him to beg her for her mercy, but I had to keep her at bay. At the moment, Faith needed me, and if she was out, the child would be the last thing she would worry about. Of course she knew this, but she also knew that Faith was her only ticket out. 

Taking a deep breath, I did the only thing I could think of, and shut her out completely. As our minds disconnected, I could feel the last second rage, and angst from my actions. I would regret this later, but I had to do it. Her growls had been creating fear within Faith. Everything the growls would rumble in my chest, Faith would dig her claws deeper into my flesh. The smell of sweet copper filled the room, the scent bringing the attention of many unwanted questions through the link. Like with my wolf, I cut myself off from the link, making sure that Faith did the same.

Another hour went by and suddenly the screaming stopped. 

Faith slowly let go of my shirt, but stayed on my lap. I did my best to give her a real smile. "I need to go see what happened. I can send Sarah to come stay with you." Faith shook her head ferociously, and immediately reached for my shirt again. "I'll be back." I promised as I removed her hands, "I'll stay with you all night." 

She held out her pinky finger, a pout on her lips knowing that she wasn't going to be able to keep me here. Smiling for real this time, I wrap my own pinky around hers and then place a soft kiss on her forehead. She was such a strong pup. So much like her mother and father. I waited until she crawled off my life to stand up.

Sarah, come to Faith's room. The moment the link opened questions went flying. I ignored them all, sent my message, and shut it off immediately.

When I turned back to Faith, she was already under her covers. I tucked her in, kissed her forehead, for a second time and then left the room as quickly as I had came. The room I was looking for wasn't far. 

Being the daughter of an Alpha, Faith was kept in the Alpha wing. The Alpha's room was right down the hall, and behind his closed doors was hell for anyone who dared defy the man who considered himself to be in charge.

Stepping up to the door, I started banging my fist against the dark oak. "Open up this damn door Titan!" Being so close to the man we both hated, my hold on our disconnection start to slip, and I felt my voice twist as my wolf pushed for control once again. The hall around me sharpened as she pushed harder for control. Without a doubt, I knew my eyes were beginning to loose their ocean blue color that I loved so much. 

The urge to rip the door from the hinges and then do the same to his throat grew stronger. How was such a monster allowed to walk this plane? He deserved to - the door swung open. I instantly snapped my eyes to his face.

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