Chapter Ten

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"And that last one goes here." He said as he pointed to the empty spot between two old, leather bond books. I nodded quickly and placed the thick book back to where it belonged.

After the page bound world of dragons and princesses was safely in its spot next to the other magical words, the man standing behind me pulled me into his arms and walked out of the office.

Leaning against the railing of the main stairwell, my grandfather gave me a soft smile and joined us over by the office door. He placed his and on my head and turned my wavy curls into a birds next. His laugh only caused my announce to grow as I swatted at his large, rough hand. I hated my hair being messed with.

"She sure is feisty."

"She is your daughters kid."

"Oh yes. Looks and acts just like her; such a deadly combo. This one is going to give them all a run for their money." What he said confused me, but from the look my dad gave him, I could tell he didn't like the comment.

"So how did the meeting go?" He asked changing the subject, something I had quickly learned that he would do when he didn't like the subject at hand; he did it a lot when it came to my brothers.

"Well, Victoria is not happy at all with what happened between her nest and Tom's pack, but after some discussing of idea's, I managed to smooth things out and keep the blood shed to a minimum."

"I'm sure it came with a price?" Suddenly the old mans eyes filled with sadness. The emotion that flashed in his dark silver eyes as he dropped his gaze onto me seemed like nothing but regret. The pain in his eyes hurt and it made me want to hug it all away.

"Indeed it did."

"So what are you giving the dead queen?"

"Me..." Something in the room changed. A sudden hush fell over the space and something inside my tiny body cried out.

"You can't be serious Ced-"

"I can't let Cara grow up in a world of nothing but blood shed! My little princess is going to have enough on her plate as it is, and if I can make her future even slightly safer, I'll do what ever it takes. Nothing you can say is going to change my decision either."

"But what about-"

"You must understand, this doesn't just smooth things for now; by doing this, Victoria is pledging herself to Cara. As long as your little girl rules, Cara will never have the issues we've had in the past. It will allow her to grow up peacefully; make her transition that much easier. It will make everything the future holds easier... Don't you want that?" My dad looked conflicted. What ever the old man had said, it was clear it was affecting my father in a hard way.

"She would never forgive me."

"She would if it meant keeping her daughter safe." 

"And what about your-"  My dream came to a raging halt as the sound of shattering glass jolted me awake. Jamming the palms of my hands into my eyes to force the sleep away, I jumped to my feet and slipped on the nearest piece of clothing that offered my bare legs some protection.

My wolf immediately began to stir, something unnerving drawing her from her slumber. The sound had seemed close, but at least not in my own room. With the blue of my eyes slowly melting away, I creeped into the hallway trying my best not to make a sound.

Looking around, the place seemed deserted. I'd walked these halls many nights before, but right now it felt like I was in a whole different world. Every shadow seemed to have a mind of its own, the darkness reaching out as I slid past the pools of inky nothingness.

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