Chapter Three

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Faith held a tiny bird in her hands, a gleaming grin plastered on her chubby, round face as she came running over to show me what she had found. Following closely behind another young pup did her best to keep up. I could see the red in her cheeks and quick contractions of her chest as she heaved for air. The woman next to me, Naomi, a female untouched by my brother, chuckled at the sight. Faith was turning out to be more her father then her mother, and a part of me deeply wished it was the latter.

"That little girl is going to give everyone a run for their money." Naomi snickered. She held out her arms right as her daughter crashed into her embrace.

"Look!" Faith was basically jumping out of her skin. She couldn't contain any of the excitement she got from finding the tiny creature settled in her tiny hands.

"Where did you get that?" I asked as she handed the bird over.

"It fell from the sky!" Faith threw her hands in the air and started spinning in circles. I laughed and pulled her into a hug with one hand.

"Did you catch it?" I asked secretly hoping that she did.

"Yes! I heard the little tweeting sound as it fell and ran to help!"

"I'm so proud of you!" And I was. It shocked me sometimes, watching as Faith grew up under the watchful eye of her uncle, yet she remained as pure as her mother had been. Maybe it was a family thing. Hannah had always been such a wonderful person. The only thing that ever made her mad was...well me. "Did Julie help you?" I asked as I made eye contact with her mother Naomi.

"She petted it's head. We named her Feathers!" Both girls were grinning like little monsters. Naomi and I couldn't stop ourselves. A heartfelt laughter filled the space around us as we pulled our little girls into the tightest embrace we could manage.

"You girls are angels. We are so proud of you two for rescuing this little bird." Naomi beamed as I handed her the bird. "Why don't we take this little lady to your dad and see if we can get her wings flapping again?" Both girls squealed at the happiness they felt. Naomi paused without them noticing, her pale green eyes asking for permission to take Faith with her.

"Well," I answered as I stood from my lawn chair, "I guess this means I have to get back to work." I grabbed Faith from the ground and kissed her on the cheek. "You have fun helping your new friend. I will see you later. I have a surprise for you after dinner." Faith didn't say anything; her smile and high pitched squeal were enough of an answer. Naomi grabbed both of their hands and led them to her car. I didn't move from my spot till her black dodge was out of my sight.

"Letting the little princess leave the mansion...?"

"I'm letting her have fun, Jasper. There's no issue with that." The Beta was looking like he usually did. Ripped jeans and a T-shirt that really did him no justice. Did anything really do him justice though? Standing at a solid 6'3, he was nothing but skin and bone. His black hair made his already pale skin look like he'd been sick for weeks, and his dark hazel eyes looked more like a pile of puke then anything else. Just being around him made my stomach shrivel.

"So you're okay with me informing the Alpha of this situation."

"Go ahead. Last I checked, Trent's letter shows me having sole guardianship of Faith, not him."

"That letter won't save you or her-" grabbing for his shirt, I latched my fingers around his collar and slammed him into the nearest solid object I could find.

"Threaten her again," I growled, my canines fully extended, "And I will rip your heart from your chest and feed it to the first nest I find! Neither you or Titan will ever touch her and if somehow you manage to even look in her direction, I will tear you, and every wolf that follows that piece of crap, to pieces. Do you understand that, Jasper!?"

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