Chapter 7

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Hunter at the side!!

Enjoy guys!


Chapter 7

Walking up to my professor I handed him a thick book filled with my lessons. The elderly man smiled at me and placed it in his desk.

"I hope it wasn't to difficult Ms. Scott." he said as other students walked out

"Not at all." I lied

After staying up half the night I managed to get both lesson plans done. The other half of the night I spent looking out for those wolves.

Something about them freaked me out especially the one with the blonde patches.

The professor chuckled at my response knowing that I struggled. I walked out of the large building and out onto the grassy green front lawn of the campus.

It was another warm day with the sun blaring above. Today I was wearing a blue summer dress that reached just barely above my knees. Matched with white flats, my blonde hair was down with only a small clip pinning a few strands back.

"Hey Aubrey."

I turned to see Brittany waving behind me. She was a tall girl with absolutely no curves or chest but long beautiful red hair. She looked like those runway models, stick thin.

"Hi Brit." I replied as she reached me

Brittany towered over me with a wide smile. We both were in the same classes, I've known Brit since junior year.

"Geesh that last assignment was hard I spent all night on it." she said

"Me too. The least they can do is give us more than twenty four hours." I replied

She nodded in agreement. I adjusted my bag and started walking. Brittany followed my step.

"Are you going to work now?" she asked hesitantly

"Not today, why?" I asked sensing she wasn't just interested in my plans

Brittany tucked a red lock behind her hair seeming nervous. She followed me down the street toward the bus stop.

"I was wondering if you'd put in a good word for me with Alex."

"Alex, as in my best friend Alex?" I asked a little shocked

She nodded while chewing on her lower lip. What would a nice girl like Brittany want with a whore like Alex? No offense to my friend but he must have caught some disease at least a few times.

Every day there is a new girl hanging on his arm even though they all know he will do them and go. He's like a drive thru, don't hold up the line.

The bus stopped and the doors opened. I stared between the impatient driver and the red head giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Umm sure but you do know he'll just sleep with you." I said as I placed one foot in the bus

Just in case the bus driver decides to leave. "Lady get in or out." the driver sighed

I held up a finger signaling for him to wait. Aren't all fat guys with white beards suppose to be jolly?

"Oh I know." she giggled

Whoa someone wants some.

"Alright I'll call you with the details but don't come crying to me later." I warned

Brittany nodded just as I stepped completely into the bus, in seconds the door snapped shut almost catching my fingers.

"Bad Santa." I scowled the driver as I walked to my seat

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