Chapter 22

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I know I'm almost a week late and I'm sorry for that guys seriously I'll make it up to you.

The next few weeks are hectic since I'm a senior -yay- but the uploads will continue regularly it was just this time.

Again I'm sorry guys, enjoy :)


Chapter 22

Aubrey's POV

Unfortunately the flooding couldn't last forever and I had to return to class but at least Lux's was still closed. Apparently a few pipes burst so they have to replace them.

I don't mind though, hey it's a vacation with pay.

"Kelly I'm going." I shouted as I swung my bag over my shoulder

"Bye." came her muffled reply from behind her door

I'm guessing Mr. Sexy spent the night since she refused to come out. Shrugging at her pointless effort to hide the mysterious man I walked out into the hallway. I'm going to find out whoever he is sooner or later.

As I went down the stairs my laced trimmed red thigh high skirt snaked a few inches higher as my floral wedges clacked on the hard surface. Today was yet another warm day which I'm use to by now.

Living in Blue Heaven means getting use to the heat. As I stepped into the street I felt the dry air against my skin, luckily I had a thin ivory tank top that was light as a feather.

It was so nice out today that I decided to walk to the next bus stop for a change. Being copped up yesterday with my parents really did number on me especially since my mom ordered takeout so we could spend 'more time' together.

Torture is what that was. Pure torture. If my dad wasn't there to put a few laughs into the evening I would have gone mad! It should be illegal for my mom and Kelly to get together. They spent the whole day pointing out my flaws, with Kelly fueling the fire happily.

Maybe Alex can help me think of a way to get back at her. He knows how to get under her skin.

Walking past a flower shop I couldn't help but stop and stare at the colorful and delicate flowers lined up outside. A woman in a green apron was watering the beautiful collage.

"They're pretty, no?" the woman asked in broken English

"Breathtaking." I replied as my gaze stayed glued to the assorted colored tulips

The woman smiled pleased with my reaction. I would have bought a flower but I am heading to class and it would just die. With one last adoring look I continued on forward towards the bus stop that was still a good distance ahead.

As I got further from the busy streets of my familiar neighborhood the less people I began to see which frightened me a bit. I watch too many scary movies which helped encourage my crazy imagination.

I keep waiting for a freaky man to jump out of the hedges at the side of the houses and cut my throat like in scary movies. I shuddered and cursed Alex for making me watch so many movies with him.

Feeling uneasy I looked from side to side awaiting a stranger to come out of no where. I should have just taken the damn bus by my apartment! Now I'm stuck waiting for Jason to kill me.

"He's not real stupid." I muttered to myself

Of course he's not real. I almost laughed out loud at my childish thoughts when the sound of footsteps followed behind me.


Swallowing my fear I picked up the pace trying not to turn around. Great now I have freaked myself out. Clutching my bag close to my side I tried thinking of what I could use as a weapon. Keys? Spraying perfume to the eyes?

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