Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

The sun streamed through the light lacy curtains and onto my face. I groaned and turned before sitting up.

I stretched my arms up, my back felt stiff. This was the last time I am sleeping on the couch.


My head snapped from either side expecting to see him smirking behind the counter or making a snooty comment from the arm chair. But he didn't do any of that.

I stood up and poked my head to the bathroom, the door was wide open. He's not here. To my surprise I felt a bit disappointed.

Dropping onto the couch I thought about if Hunter actually did stay. He would have woken up with messy bed hair, half closed eyelids, a sexy tired look.

Groaning out loud I leaned back with the image of Hunter stuck in my head.

In seconds the memory of that sizzling kiss replayed in my head. I could still feel his pink lips against mine. His hot breath on my skin. And the way he scraped his teeth... I shuddered.

"Bahh!" I screamed as I jumped off the couch

I'm acting like a idiot, it was a kiss. An accidental, hot, embarrassing kiss.

I went into the bathroom and looked at my reflection.

"Just forget it." I said to myself


Shaking my head I forced yesterday out of my mind. Pulling my hair up into a bun I went to greet Kelly.

"Finally I thought....." I trailed off

Kelly wrinkled her nose as she sniffed the air. With a raised brow I watched as she walked around the room sniffing like dog.

No pun intended.

"Uh Kel what are you doing?" I asked

"You had someone over." she said

She tossed her coat onto the floor and walked over to the couch. She bent to the cushion before looking up at me with wide brown eyes.

"Shit, his timing could not be worse." she muttered as she ran to the front door and locked it

"Take off your clothes." Kelly said

She grabbed a air freshener from the shelf on the cabinet and sprayed the room. Kelly grabbed a pillow off the couch tossing it into her open door.

"I left you alone for a few damn hours than this happened." she said to herself

"Do I have to strip you myself?" she exclaimed as she sprayed the couch

"You wouldn't." I gasped

She narrowed her eyes "Don't play with me." she warned

Backing away I crossed my arms over my chest, knowing Kelly she'd have no problem doing it.

"Holden must be rubbing off on you." I mumbled under my breath as I went into the bathroom

"He is not." she shrieked

Raising my hand up I waved her off and shut the door. Stripping out of my shorts I slipped into my bath robe. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

When I came out Kelly was spraying the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a puzzled expression

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