Chapter Nineteen

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It's been a few days since we arrived at Benjamin's territory and I've found myself sitting in the gardens with a few of the younger women in the pack, discussing general pack life and our own personal lives.

I caught Blaine walking out the patio doors with Benjamin in the corner of my eye. I turned to watch as they walked out of the doors and stood next to the pack warriors that were guarding the pack house.

Over the past few days, I'd been watching and taking notice in Blaine's behaviour and how he changes in the presence of his grandfather, he's happier and more relaxed, he feels safe in his presence, as if he was a little kid again.

I smiled as I looked towards my mate, but I was soon out of my thoughts as one of the women asked me a question and brought my attention back.

"How's living with an Alpha?" I said, repeating her question. "Well, being the daughter of an Alpha, I've never known anything different."

I looked at Blaine and noticed that he was listening on my conversation without showing that he was. He was watching me in the corner of his eye, and his head was slightly turned in my direction while he pretended to listen to one of the pack warriors.

I smirked knowingly, "Plus you get used to them being stubborn, annoying and their overbearing personalities."

I caught Blaine smirking, and it made me laugh knowing that he had heard what I said.

For a while, I continued talking to the women while Blaine conducted some business with Benjamin. And just before dinner I found myself upstairs so that I could take quick shower.

After washing my hair and drying myself off, I walked out of the bathroom with my towel around myself but within seconds I found myself up against the wall with someone's hands over my mouth.

I was about to kick the jerk in the balls when I realised it was my mate. "Blaine" I screamed through my mouth while he kept his hand there.

He laughed and smiled at me, I frowned but smiled at the same time as he scared the life out of me.

He pulled his hands away and put them on my waist. "You scared me!" I said with a smile.

"Oh, so I'm stubborn, annoying, overbearing and scary now?" He questioned with a smirk which only made me laugh.

"I knew you were listening." I said while laughing at my mate while he just smiled back at me.

I was laughing so much that I didn't even realise that my towel had fallen off and was suddenly surrounding my feet, Blaine's eyes immediately began analysing my body and his eyes instantly went black with lust and before I knew it, I was lying on the bed with Blaine hovering on top of me, kissing my neck over and over again.

After showering once again, Blaine and I made our way down the stairs. Blaine said that he wanted to take me out for dinner and that we wasn't dining with Benjamin and his pack tonight.

Blaine had taken me out to the shops to grab some clothes for the few days we were here since I had forced myself into the car without bringing any of my belongings with me or shoes.

Blaine grabbed my hand as we walked towards the car heading for the restaurant in the nearby town. He had called and made a reservation earlier and we had the restaurant to ourselves which was surprising, but it was different and I was liking it.

"We leave tomorrow by the way, I have some things that I need to finish at home."

"Why, what needs your attention?" I questioned after I had finished chewing.

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