Chapter Twenty Three

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All that could be heard was deep and fierce heavy breathing. My palms were sweating and my body almost locked into the position I was in from the fear that was plaguing my whole being.

The tension was thick and so clouding that it wasn't even allowing rational thoughts to flow through my mind.

"What are you doing here?" I inquired. It came out my mouth quietly, even quieter than a whisper.

"What the fuck do you mean Kennedy?" He growled fiercely, clearly furious with what he would see as a betrayal as I never mentioned my pregnancy. "I came to see you but instead find out your pregnant with my baby and you didn't tell me."

His words continued to come out in growls and his wolf was definitely on edge begging to come out and take control.

I attempted to get words out of my mouth, but I couldn't. It was as if there was an invisible force covering my mouth enabling me to speak.

I could only sit there and stare at him, his eyes were showing me what he felt and it was pure anger.

In a swift moment, Blaine suddenly punched a hole in the wall, cracks appeared spreading down the wall in quick succession.

There were suddenly items in the room flying everywhere. The sounds of glass smashing brought me out of my shocked trance. Blaine had destroyed the room.

The doors of the doctor's office were destroyed as Blaine shifted, his wolf taking full control. The door had split into two, and the frame of the door hanging off, literally dangling in the air as if it was holding onto it by a thin thread.

Blaine was blocking me from our mind link, refusing to let me talk to him. I didn't intentionally want to hurt him, I had to figure things out for myself first, I knew what Blaine was like, he would of kept me under full protection the moment he knew I was pregnant.

I stayed still, continuing to sit on the patients bed, all I could do was cry, placing my head in my hands while sobbing my eyes out. I couldn't stop myself, my breathing was getting erratic and I was struggling to catch my breath.

An arm around my neck caught my attention but I still couldn't control my breathing, it was only getting worse. The more I cried the more I panicked.

Looking up, it was my dad, he keep his arm around my neck and repeated to me to calm down and to take deep breaths.

After a few minutes, I had gained some control of it. My dad began rubbing his arm up and down my back, soothing me. "You ok Ken?"

"Blaine really hates me right now." I replied, tears pooling in my eyes once again. I bit my bottom lip in attempt to direct my attention to anything but the thoughts rushing in my head.

"He doesn't hate you Kenny – he's mad and upset with you and he has every right to be." He kissed me on the head after his reply, my father wasn't the type to sugar coat things. He was honest and would tell you if you were wrong.

It brought back memories for him, him and my mum was in a similar situation when they were my age. My dad had rejected my mom, not knowing that she was pregnant with me. My mom had moved away, wanting him to never know that I existed, frightening that he would reject me like he did her.

Looking in my dad's eyes I could see that he was having flashbacks of when he discovered me, the pain he felt when he missed some of the most important years of my life and all the memories he had missed out on.

My mom was standing next to him, her hand on his shoulder – she knew exactly what he was thinking and feeling and all she wanted to do was comfort her mate – just like I wanted to.

Her Scarred Alpha | ✓ (Currently Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now