Chapter Six

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I felt as if I was on pause, my body felt frozen in place. I didn't even turn to look at him after he basically threatened my father's safety which definitely didn't settle well with me.

I slowly turned the cold tap off and removed my fingers from our entwined hands only for Blaine to tug my hand back to his in a tight hold, making it impossible to pull my hands from his.

We both stayed there neither one of us talking; I just stood there not looking at him fumingly.

How dare he disrespect my family like that, my father is no angel but they're both acting completely irrational and immature.

I needed to address my father and make sure that he knows that I'm old enough to make my own decisions without him dictating everything I do which Blaine also needed to understand.

I looked over at him, his facial expression showed nothing but I could see the solemn look in his eyes showing me how serious his comment was. I knew deep down that he meant every word he said, I didn't doubt that he wouldn't following through with his threat.

"You and my father will agree to disagree but do not threaten my family because that is disrespectful to me. All he wants to do is protect me-"

"Protect you from what exactly, me?" He said harshly, interrupting my sentence. I chose to ignore his comment and continued with mine.

I rolled my eyes. "Even if he's trying to protect me from my mate he's only doing what you would do if it was your pup. It's a natural instinct for a wolf to protect its young and you know this."

His eyes flickered with a flash of emotions when I mention having his own pup; I knew family meant a lot to him especially since his was taken from his when he was only 15.

I moved to stand slightly closer to him but not in his embrace, our hands were still entwined dangling down the side of our bodies.

I needed him to understand why my father was so protective and over bearing when it came to me.

"When I was four, I was taken from my father's territory by a rogue Alpha and my mother's ex-boyfriend. My mother's ex Nate became possessive over my mom when they were dating; his wolf believed that she was his real mate even though he knew she had been rejected by my father." I sighed.

"He became controlling and demanding; when he did meet his real mate he strangled her in front of my mom," Blaine pulled my body close to his almost wanting to protect me from my own emotions.

"When my mom finally found the opportunity to escape him, she took me to my grandparents' house in California after living the first few years of my life in Texas. We both ended up accidentally bumping into my father and he refused to let her leave even though he rejected her years before. When they finally accepted their mate connection, they decided to celebrate by having a pack barbecue to introduce me and my mom into the pack."

"But while I was playing on the swings, Nate came over to me, I was only four and I would call him my uncle so I willingly followed him. He ended up chucking me into a cell in a old dirty warehouse in the middle of the woods; I was randomly beaten when the rogue Alphas pack members felt like it. But my scar-" My voice began to waver as all the memories and flashbacks came back to me.

I reached up and touched my cheek where my scar lies with my hand, but was soon replaced by Blaine's touch. I sighed and slowly closed my eyes while Blaine softly caressed my scar by running his thumb gently across it.

"My scar was given to me by Nate when he got angry that my mom had mated with my father instead of him, he was envious and bitter and took his frustration out on me; a four year old girl. Ever since my father has been protective of me, fearful that he will lose me again. He's lost me twice and now he feels like it's happening again, so he doesn't want me to slip from his grasp. He just wants me to stay safe and be free from harm even if he's protecting me from my own mate." I slowly wrapped my arms around Blaine's waist and he wrapped his arms over my shoulders pulling me closer.

Her Scarred Alpha | ✓ (Currently Rewriting)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora