Chapter 12 The Mall (Mystery Man's POV)

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Charlotte's Room

I pull her back into me, covering her mouth with my hand. "I've missed you Princess."

She struggles in my grip. "Shh darling, calm down and I'll let you go." She stills and I remove my arms. "I just needed to see you darling, I can not take you yet, but I will be watching. It's too dangerous for you to come with me, but don't worry we will be reunited again." I pull her to me, kissing her cheek, whispering in her ear. "I love you."

I pull back. "You can go now, but remember, if you tell anyone, anyone at all that you saw me you will be hurt, more than you can imagine." I grin wickedly at her and hers eyes widen, terrified. Good, she deserves to be terrified. She deserves to be hurt. And when I finally get her back, she will be punished and I will enjoy every second of it.

But for now, I can't have her, I have to let her go. "Go on, go home, but remember delete the messages and don't tell anyone. I'll be watching."

She nods quickly and then runs off, back the way she came. I wait ten minutes and then follow. I know it's risky and I may be mad at her but I need to be sure she got home safe. I stand across the street from her house, in the shadows, watching through her window.

I messaged her to leave it open. She listened. She's laying on her bed right now reading, I look at the time, it's late. I message her. 'You should really get to bed Princess, it's late.'

I hear her call for her mom and she comes in the room with an agent. They look at the phone and then hand it back to her, the agent goes to window and looks out. After a minute or two he closes the window and pulls the curtains.

After a while the room goes dark. 'Goodnight darling, I love you.' I message her one last time and then walk off, back to my car. Time to find a hotel.




I found a hotel and set up camp there. The next morning I head back to Charlotte's but she isn't home. The FBI is still there but she isn't. 'Where are you?' I message her.

After a few minutes I get a reply. 'The park. Please don't come.'

As if. I am going, I have to see her. I get in my car and drive to the Pa k. Once there I get out and walk around, looking for her. I walk through the whole park, no sign of her.

I pull out my phone. 'Where are you? Tell me the truth this time, or I'll have to punish you.'

I wait 10 minutes with no answer and finally try tracking her phone. Why didn't I do that to begin with.

Hm, she's at the mall. Time for a little shopping trip I guess.

I pull up to the mall and am reminded of the last time. That was a mistake I won't be making again. When I have her back, she won't leave my side again.

I find Charlotte, her mom, and that agent in and office supply shop.

It looks like they're buying school supplies. I follow them silently, stopping to look at things when they stop. After a bit I think the Agent is starting to get suspicious, so I trail away for a bit.

I shop around a bit buying some clothes. Considering I left most of them at my old house, I need them. I stop at the jewelers to order her gift. Then I head to the food court. When I'm finished eating I'll look for Charlotte, but I need to waste a little more time. I don't need that useless agent to catch on.

I get some food and sit down. My gaze roams over the area and I spot Charlotte, sitting with the Agent and her mom, across the room. I make eye contact with her and glare. I'm angry at her for lying to me and she knows it. I eat while watching them. When they finish I follow at a distance, trailing farther back this time.

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter and I'm sorry it isn't much. This is probably how Mystery Man's chapters are going to be for a while until something big happens. But, I'll never post a chapter of his without one of Charlotte's that way you won't be unsatisfied. Again hope you all liked it and all feedback is welcome! See you all in the next chapter!

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