Chapter 27 A Plan

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!!Warning!! This is a violent chapter!! If you don't want to read it skip ahead to where you see more bold writing!!



The man picks up a knife with a long slender blade, examining it a bit before turning around, the sadistic grin never leaving his face. I swallow hard and try to maintain a neutral facial expression.

He kneels in front of me, grinning and takes my left arm in one hand, the knife in the other. I squeeze my eyes shut, clenching my teeth. He puts the tip of the knife on my arm and slowly carves something into it. Then he does the same thing to my right arm.

I bite my lip, tears welling in my eyes as I fight the urge to scream. I can't give him what he wants, I repeat in my head as he slowly carves. He lets go of my arm and I slowly open my eyes, my vision blurred a bit by tears.

He's facing the wall again, the bloody knife still in one hand. He turns around studying me for a minute before walking over and undoing my chains, he then forces me over to the wall opposite of the weapons where chains hang that I didn't notice before.

He chains me so I'm facing the wall. I hear him pick something off the wall and walk back over. I expect pain but am shocked when instead he starts cutting my shirt off. He finally cuts it to where it falls completely off and walks back to the wall picking up yet another item.

He walks back over and stops a foot or two behind me. I don't have time to react before I feel the sharp pain of something hitting my back. From my examination of the wall early I'm pretty sure it's a whip.

He whips me again, and again, and again. I lose count of how many times, but near the 20th one I give in and scream in pain. After that it's all downhill, the whips get harder and more frequent each one eliciting a scream somehow louder and more pain-filled than the last.

When he's finally done, after what seems like hours, I'm barely conscious, not even able to hold myself up, I hang from the chains on my wrists. 

Eli's POV

This is all my fault. I run around the house packing things into a duffel bag, a phone pressed to my ear. 

"Meet me at the old spot in twenty and tell me what's going on and I'll do anything I can to help." My old friend says through the phone.

"Thanks." I say hurriedly. "I'll be there in ten." I hang up the phone and shove it into my pocket, before stuffing some more clothes into the bag. 

I zip it up and run out to the car, locking the door quickly behind me. I get into the car and throw the bag in the back before speeding off.




Ten minutes later I pull up to an old house and get out. I walk up to the door. Knocking a pattern out I wait until I hear the door unlock. The door creaks loudly as it swings open and standing in the doorway is my old friend Sebastian.

"Hey man, it's been awhile, come on in."

I smile gratefully at him and walk in. Sitting down on the couch. He takes a seat in the chair opposite me. "So, what's going on?"

"Charlotte, you remember me telling you about her?"

"Yeah. She's all you'd talk about for the longest."

"She was taken by Damon."

His eyes widen. "Shit man. Are you serious?" 

I nod. "I owed him some money and instead of waiting for me to give it to him, he took Charlotte and knowing him he could be torturing her."

"It's okay Mason, I'll help you find her and get her back. I promise. Now though, we need to plan."

We talk through the rest of the night, by morning we have a plan.

Hey guys! I know I know this is short but I wanted to give you something. I hope you like this and I'll see you next time, hopefully soon.

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