Chapter 22 Fun (Mason's POV)

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Charlotte looks at me, she had just spent the last ten minutes trying to wake me up. "Why'd you wake me up? I was having a great dream!" The dream was about her, she was happy and she loved me. We lived in the house we're in now and we had a little girl.

"I'm hungry." She says snapping me out of my thoughts. "I didn't eat anything yesterday."

I can't believe I forgot to feed her. No wonder she hates me. "Oh crap darling. Come on, let's go get you something to eat."

We walk downstairs to the kitchen and I have her sit at the table.

"What would like to eat?" She shrugs. "We have pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, pretty much anything you could want."

"Can I have pancakes and eggs please?" She asks quietly.

I nod and get out the ingredients and the pans. I whip the eggs and mix the pancake batter. I pour the pancakes into one pan and the eggs into another. I smirk and pick up the pancake pan, making sure Charlotte is watching, I flip the pancake and it lands back in the pan.

She looks at me shocked and I laugh. "What? I had to make a living somehow. Cooking has always been my thing."

I finish making the food and set a heaping plate in front of her. "Breakfast is served." I smile and make myself a plate, sitting across from her.

She eats about an eighth of her plate. "I'm done."

I shake my head. "Nope, eat half of the plate, at least."


I cut her off. "No buts eat what I told you to."

She groans and starts eating. I finish my food and wait until she's done with half of hers and then put the plates in the sink. I sit back across from her.

"What do you want to do today? It has to be here, though. No leaving the property."

"Can we play a board game?" Charlotte asks quietly.

I smile. "Of course, which one?"

"Monopoly." She grins. That was my first mistake.




An hour later and she owns over half of the board and I'm almost bankrupt.

"Damn it Charlotte! How are you this good?"

"Well, me and my mom used to play all the time." She smiles sadly obviously missing her mom.

"She taught you good." I roll the dice and land on one of her properties with a hotel on it.

"Damn. How much?"


I groan and toss her the rest of my money. "Damn you won. How did you do that?"

She smiles. "Strategy."

I grab a pillow from the couch behind me and chuck it at her. She laughs and dodges it before throwing it back. It hits me square and the face and she falls on her back laughing. Getting up I grin, grabbing the pillow. I walk towards her slowly and she looks up, her eyes going wide. 

"Oh no." She gets up and takes off down the hallway laughing.

"Get back here Charlotte! I need revenge!" I yell while laughing and chasing her.

I chase her through the hallways until we end up in our room. Charlotte backs up to the bed and I smirk walking up to her slowly, pushing her back on to the bed.

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