3. When Do I Listen

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"AHHHHHHHHH!" I am woken up by Allen's yell.

I grab my gun and run/limp out of my room. Cody is a step ahead of me as he runs down the stairs with his gun in his hand. I get down the stairs and see Allen looking in the fridge.

"There is no more pizza." He pouts.

"You woke us up because there is no more pizza?" I hear Steve ask as he walks down the stairs.

"Yes! This is tragic." Allen says.

"To bad your funeral won't be as tragic." I growl while pounding my fists into my hand.

His eyes widen and he bolts out of the kitchen. I open the fridge and look for something to eat. The house phone rings and Cody answers it.

"Hello?" He says. A few seconds pass, "Yeah, it was last night.....................Annie was shot but I patched her up...........................No.....................I don't want to hear it..................I get it...... I won't.........ok bye." Cody hangs up.

"Who was it?" I ask.

"Bogo." Cody answers.

"Guys!" Miwa yells as she comes into the kitchen, "I got a lead!"

"Really?" Cody smiles.

"Yeah, his name is Albert. He works at a motorcycle dealership and is also one of Craig's top buyer. He is also nineteen so we can get him behind bars for being a minor." Miwa explained, "He works today from 10 to 3:30."

"It's 8:47, so we got time to get ready." Steve says as he walks in.

"Let's do this." I grin.

"You're not coming." Blondy says.

"Excuse me?" I growl.

"You were shot last night. You need to sit today out." Blondy explains.

"I've been through worse." I say.

"I don't care." Cody grits out.

I grunt in frustration and swing my arms up.

"I can conversant with Albert. I know my bikes so this should be a walk in the park." Miwa says.

"A druggie park." Allen adds.

"Ok everyone get ready. We will leave in an hour." Blondy orders.

"I'm coming." I state as I head to the stairs.

"No your not." Blondy says.

"Your not the boss of me." I retort.

"I'm the leader, so yes I am." He says sternly.

"I'm not listening to your stupid orders and you can't make me!" I hiss.

"I'm only doing what best for you!" Blondy shouts.

"I know what I can and can not handle!" I yell back.

"Why can't I just try and protect my team!?" He shouts/asks.

"Because I'm not apart of your team! Why do you care about what happens to me?!" I ask angrily.

"Because I can't see another good guy die!" He shouts even louder than before.

I stop and just stare at him. His expression was hard and angry. That actually put most of my glares to shame. There is an awkward silence in the house and Allen runs up stairs and Miwa shifts uncomfortably. Steve just looks around and pretends that the wall is the most interesting thing in the world.

Cody lets out a sigh and walks past me quietly and heads up the stairs. I stand there for a few seconds before heading to my room. I shut the door slowly and lay on my bed. I take off all of my dog tags and just stare at them.

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