6. Happy Birthday

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I stand next to Cody's bed waiting for him to wake up. He has been out for almost a full day. I look through his drawers, because I'm snoopy, and find his wallet.

I open it and a picture falls out. I pick it up and stare at it. He is sitting on a couch and staring at his phone while a guy is sitting on the floor in front of him, smoking. I look back at his wallet and see..............I see.............. him in a uniform and CRAIG RIGHT BEHIND HIM!? I look closer at the picture and see Cody with a smirk. Craig has his hand on his shoulder and is also smirking.

I look at the next one and see Cody and two boys his age next to him and a girl in front of them. I don't recognize any of them! And I have seen every team from every agency.

The pictures are ripped from my hand and so is the wallet.

"What are you doing?" Cody hisses.

"What were you doing?" I snap.

"These are old pictures." He says.

"How old?" I ask.

"Last year." He answers.

"Last year!? That's not even old!" I say as I reach for the pictures.

He pulls them away from me and I crawl onto his bed trying to get them.

"Just forget you ever saw them!" He yells.

"How can I!?" I yell back.

I jump on his arm and grab the pictures from his hand. He flips on top of me and pins my arms down.

"Give them back!" He grits out.

I kick him, where it hurts, and roll off the bed. He gets up in pain and gets out of bed. He falls back down and grips his thigh. He grunts as he try's to stand up again. I sigh and put the pictures on his desk. I walk to him and help him back into bed. I get the pictures and hand them back to him. He takes them slowly and puts them back into his wallet.

"Sorry." I mumble and leave the room.

As much as I want answers, he is in enough pain. However, if he doesn't tell me I'll make everything worse. I head down stairs and open up the fridge. I grab a root bear and turn around to see a cat on the table.

"Allen!" I yell.

A few seconds later I hear him running down the stairs.

"There you are, Chat Noir!" He yells as he grabs the cat.

"Chat Noir?" I question.

"It's black cat in French." He answers like it's nothing.

I nod my head slowly wondering how he became an agent.

"Where's Miwa?" I ask.

"She's in my room.....I MEAN HER ROOM! Yeah, she's in m- HER room." He says quickly.

I face palm and hear him run to the stairs with the cat.

"You were shot and you act like nothing happened." I point out.

"I think smiling and playing is better than sitting around being hurt." He says happily.

My mouth opens a bit and I feel a hit of sadness come over me.

"I'm sorry about what I said the other day." I say.

"It's okay! I know you didn't mean it!" He has the most happiest voice in the world.

He runs up the stairs and I look down at the counter. Oh Jake, he reminds me so much of you.


Teen SpyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora