M.U.S.E Chapter 7

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Aimee surprised me by not mentioning her daddy leaving. She just seemed to take it in her stride. Plus she was excited about Christmas.

One day I had caught her crying but she wouldn't talk about why she was so sad so after a big cuddle I made her hot chocolate and left her playing. When I went back in the room to see her she was happy again. Ecstatic and singing around her bedroom.

As Christmas Eve came around we brought a tree and decorations. Presents, turkey and all the trimmings. Aimee was the most excited ever. It was the first Christmas she really embraced it. We were even going to watch the carol singing in town. I wrapped her up in her new red coat, hat, scarf and muff. She ran to my room to check herself out. It was just what she wanted. Her white tights and black patent shoes really made her look the picture of Christmas. Very Miracle of 34th Street. She did a turn and smiled at herself proudly. "Ready," she said and we headed off. "Wait," she said running off into the kitchen and came back to take my hand.

The snow was picture perfect, just a light sprinkle starting to fall as we watched the carol singers. Aimee quickly got tired and fell asleep in my arms as I held her up to see above the crowd. I carried her home, my arms aching as she got heavier and heavier but I finally made it to the door, struggling to get the key out.

"Can I give you a hand?" a voice said to behind me.

"John," I said smiling a him. "She is going to be ecstatic," I said.

"May I?" he asked holding his hands out. I passed her over and watched as she slept in his arms, head against his shoulders and totally oblivious to the fact that the one thing she asked Father Christmas for at the store was now holding her in his arms.

I opened the door and we walked in. "It looks lovely," he said quietly as he took in the décor.

"Thanks. She wanted it perfect for you," I said. "She is saving the fairy on top of the tree for you to do together tomorrow."

He smiled as he followed me into the kitchen still cuddling her as I put the kettle on for drinks to warm us up. He looked at the table, home made mince pies and cookies with a note. "Welcome home daddy," she had wrote. "We missed you. X"

I was gob smacked to see him start to well up. I gave him a big hug and he held us both tight to him. I pulled back, "Her presents arrived yesterday. They are hidden so you can wrap them up later," I said. "Obviously she knew you had sent something and loved this outfit," I said acknowledging the ensemble she was wearing which was a decoy to the real presents.

"She looks beautiful," he said kissing her little face gently.

As I finished preparing the drinks I watched his reflection in the window. He looked so sad. I was expecting him to say he had to leave at any minute. Maybe it was because of our argument before or work. He looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders and no one to help carry it.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I can't make my mind up whether you look like you want to hold on to her for dear life and never let go or you want to hand her back and run," I said.

He looked at me and I knew whatever it was, my analysis wasn't far off.

"If it is the later, it might be best to do it before she wakes up," I said. "Perhaps you don't know how to feel as it's all a bit too much. I know you are not used to showing emotions in your line of work let alone making attachments but I suggest you accept the fact that you are 'home' for Christmas and go put your daughter for lie down and come back in as I have something to show you."

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