The Battle

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"Isabella! Wake up! Please, wake up," Jaycee screamed as she shook Isabella awake.

"What happened," Isabella whispered as she struggled to get up. She put pressure on her leg and screamed in pain. The cut on her leg was a lot worse than before.

"Take it easy," Gabrielle told her.

"What happened! Wait, where is Thorn," Isabella questioned Mathew.

"Blu was fighting a dragon, and out of now where flew into the woods in a hurry. We didn't know where you were at the time, so we followed Blu thinking that it was important. When you were unconscious, Blu arrived and scared Thorn away. Once Thorn left, Blu saw that we were also there. Blu went back to fight, certain that we could take care of you," Mathew replied.

"So the war is still going on," Isabella realized. "We have to go help!" Gabrielle, Mathew, and Jaycee helped Isabella on her feet. As soon as Isabella got up, she collapses to the ground.

"Your in no condition to fight. You'll have to stay here," Jaycee told Isabella.

"But what about Thorn? She's still out there," Isabella said with a worried voice. "If she comes back, I will not be able to defend myself."

"I and Blu will stay with you," Jaycee commented. "That way if something happens, Blu can go get help and I can protect you until Blu comes back." Gabrielle and Mathew called their dragons. Eclipse and Spark came out of the air and onto the ground. They climbed onto their dragons and took off leaving Jaycee and Isabella behind.

"Blu," Isabella called out. Blu also came and landed alongside Isabella protecting her.

"I'm sorry I had to leave. I had to go fight," Blu told Isabella.

"It's okay," Isabella replied.

An hour has passed, and nothing has come to scare Blu, Isabella, and Jaycee away. Jaycee thought they were safe, but Isabella was unsure. "Well well well. Look what we have here. Two humans and one pathetic dragon," a loud booming voice echoed throughout the woods.

"We're not afraid of you Kyo," Blu shouted. Kyo appeared out of the fog and landed about two feet away from Blu. " I heard you scared my rider," Kyo looked at Blu. Kyo then looked at Isabella and saw her wound. The gash on her leg was very swollen, and it was still drawing blood. "One of you are injured. That makes it easy for the kill!" Kyo leaped towards Isabella and Jaycee, but Blu interfered. Blu bit Kyo on the neck drawing red oozing blood. The big dragon roared in pain trying to fight Blu off. As Blu and Kyo were fighting, Isabella and Jaycee were helplessly watching the horrifying battle. As soon as the two dragons fought Blizzard, Spark, and Eclipse soon appeared out of the sky with Gabrielle and Mathew riding their dragons. Blizzard, Spark, and Eclipse landed and Gabrielle and Mathew claimed off their scaly dragons rushing over to help Isabella and Jaycee. Blizzard, Spark, and Eclipse didn't want to waste time. They ran over to Blu and Kyo helping with the fight.

"What happened," Mathew asked seeing Isabella and Jaycee in shock.

"Kyo came and was ready to kill us, but Blu interfered," Jaycee replied. Meanwhile, blood was clearly seen as the four dragons fought determinedly to get rid of Kyo once and for all. Blizzard, Spark, Blu, and Eclipse were no match for Kyo's powers. Kyo teleported back and forth between them, surprising the four dragons and attacking. The four dragons couldn't keep up. They were missing something, and that something was their riders.

"They need help," Gabrielle stated. The four friends agreed and helped Isabella on her feet. The friends raced towards their dragons quickly jumping onto their bloody backs.

"You ready for this," Spark said to Mathew.

"You bet," Mathew replied. Mathew thought that this was his chance to tell Jaycee how he felt about her. Even though they were dating, he never really said those three little words before. Mathew looked over at Jaycee on her dragon and said,"I love you. I really love you Jaycee. I really do."

Jaycee looked back at Mathew with her beautiful eyes glowing saying, "I love you too Mathew. I really do." Spark, Blizzard, Eclipse, Blu, Mathew, Jaycee, Gabrielle, and Isabella used their powers as strong as they could, rising up as one, rising up as a family and as a team. They used their powers together at once striking Kyo to the ground, dead. Lifeless. Dead and lifeless. They had done it. They finally did it. They had brought the life out of Kyo. The war was over.

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