Chapter 17

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I often found myself sitting on the window sill, staring out into the world, now being one of those times.

The moon was shining extra bright it seemed tonight. It was lovely.

The night breeze felt nice on my skin swell.

Master had allowed me to open the window before he left.

He said that he had a delivery that needed to be picked up.

I've been hoping that he would pick up some blood while he was at it.

His 72 hours were almost up.

I let out a long breathe, scooting closer to the edge, letting the faint sound of the rustling leaves below fill my mind instead.

I swung my legs over the edge, letting them hang over a height that would no doubt lead to my demise. Not that it really mattered. Pretty much everything around me could lead to my demise.

I mulled that thought over for a minute, the constant thought returning to me, asking myself how much time I really had left.

Honestly, I've been alive here longer than I had initially thought that I would, but that luck wouldn't last me forever.

Was it even luck?

If it wasn't, then what else would it be?

"Do you plan on jumping?" Masters voice sounded behind me, startling me since I didn't even hear him come in.

I quickly turned my head to see him shutting the door behind him, one of those large recyclable shopping bags in one of his hands.

"U-uh... No." I replied, slowly bringing my legs back into the room.

"Good." He started as he sat down on the couch that was partially facing me, "I didn't think I had made your life that bad."

I just blinked at him. I don't think anything would bring me to do that to myself.

I swore to myself a while back that I would live as long as I possibly could since my family couldn't.

"Do some pets jump?"

Master rested his feet on the coffee table.

"Yea, sometimes. There's a reason that most of us keep our windows locked." He said.

I can't blame those pets. With the way most of them are treated, I kind of expected it.

Yet he trusted me enough to not only open the window but leave me alone while it was open.


Master began looking into the bag as the room fell into silence, apparently done with that conversation.

"The slave finally got what I had asked him to get. I guess the store in town didn't have everything I was looking for so he had to order it from someone else."

I swung my legs over the other side, so I was facing him.

"What is it?" I asked.

He glanced up at me before tossing the bag to the other side of the couch.

"Come to find out. It's yours."

My eyes went wide for a long moment, flickering from the bag to Master.

Why would he get me something? More importantly, what would he get me?

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