Chapter 48

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A/N: Xander has been yelling at me in the back of my head for not having him in the story since Chapter 40 so...


Nico's POV:

Khloe has been.... better since our little conversation.

It took a few days but she's almost back to how she was before.

Which was nice but it almost felt as if she just passed her worry about the subject onto me.

Now I was worrying about something that wasn't supposed to happen for years.

I guess that aspect of things made me understand more about Khloe felt about this whole situation.

She knew that she couldn't run from the inevitable, and well, now neither can I.

It's not like I could just back out of what I said, that would just make her start worrying all over again.

ill have to figure out some way to make this work out for both of us but until then... I didn't want to focus on it too much.

I was just happy she was feeling better and smiling again.

After that conversation, that's all I really wanted anyways.


Khloe's POV:

I walked out of the bathroom to an... interesting sight.

Nico, Xander, and Doe were all standing in the middle of the room, all of them seeming to pause and look in my direction as I took one more step out.

None of them but Nico were here before I walked into the bathroom so I was mostly just confused.

I decided to stay put where I was.

Nico held the same disappointed look he held whenever Xander was in sight as he turned back to face him.

"You cant keep doing this." He said, gesturing to Doe.

It was only then that I realized that she was holding her shoulder and trembling.

My stomach turned as I analyzed it a bit more.

Her shoulder... didn't look right.

"Oh ok, you automatically think I'm to blame for this?" Xander snapped back, sounding slightly offended.

Nico's expression didn't change, save for the fact that he rose a single brow.

"Are you're telling me she did this to herself?" He questioned

Xander glared down at her.

"Well, yea," he spoke through clenched teeth, "Damn brat was lucky I caught her or else she would be dead right now."

This made both mine and Nico's eyes widen.

I wasn't expecting him to say anything like that at all.

"I'm going to need you to elaborate on that further," Nico said, obviously as confused as I was.

Xander's brows furrowed as he looked at his brother, like he was annoyed at what Nico had said.

"What the hell do you need elaborated? This idiot was being stupid on the window sill and ended up tripping on a damn pillow, falling against the window with enough force to open it, and fell out of it," Doe flinched as his voice steadily rose, "I barely reacted quick enough to grab her arm and drag her back in."

We were just silent, watching as Xanders shoulders slowly relaxed.

"She's lucky that all she got was a dislocated shoulder." He finished, leaning most of his weight on one leg.

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