Chapter 74

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Khloe's POV:

I sat on one of the couches as Nico made some last minute preparations for Layla's stay.

I guess I've been kind of avoiding him ever since our conversation last night.

I've been holding onto a lot of things from last night.

Ever since Nico told me about what was going to happen, this feeling in my heart... and in my head.

They just appeared out of nowhere and I didn't know how to deal with them.

It was like a thought was planted into my head, but it wasn't telling me what it was, it was just making me sad and avoidant.

I knew whatever the thought was, it had to do with Nico.

It had to be. I couldn't even look him in the eyes last night without feeling like I was going to completely break down.

I would have told him what was wrong if I even knew where to begin.

All I did know was that whatever it was, was bigger than just the fact that Layla was to stay with us.

I brought my knees close to my chest, my fingers skimming over the icy blue collar.

The tightening in my chest began again.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I let out a sigh until it went away.

I hated this.

Whatever it was. Whatever thought was haunting me but refusing to let itself show.

But was more than willing to hurt me.

I straightened out one leg, leaning back against the armrest

Whatever it was, I had already concluded that I was going to have to figure it out and fix it myself.

With Layla around, I doubted that I was going to get any advice from Nico.

My shoulders slumped as I thought back to our conversation last night.

The way he looked at me last night after I lied to him.

He looked heartbroken.

Which made me feel absolutely terrible.

I tried to shake the thought from my head before that ache in my chest could return.

Which didn't really work because in the process, I caught Nico's gaze from across the room.

We both didn't move since this was pretty much the first time we made eye contact since last night.

He looked sad.

Which made me sad.

I had never actually seen him sad before and I wanted more than anything to make him feel better, but my mind was refusing to let me do something.

Nico took in a breath like he was about to say something, but got cut off by a knock at the door.

My body tensed and apparently decided to stand up while Nico begrudgingly went to get the door.

Layla's voice rang out almost immediately after the door was opened.

"Nico!" Her voice rang out as she lunged into the room.

She excitedly wrapped her arms around him, causing him to take a step back.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here." she sang with a big smile.

Nico didn't return her gesture, he just awkwardly pat her back.

"Its no problem," he replied flatly.

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