Chapter 19

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Splashing cold water in my face and rubbing my thighs together I can't help the excitement I still fell. How does he do that to me? My body lights up like firework every time he touches me. Looking at my reflection I see the residue of excitement in my eyes. My cheeks are still flushed but my breathing has calmed down. I still feel restless and aroused. I need to talk to Liam about touching me in public. That's a giant no-no.

I sigh and lean down to drink from the faucet. When I hear the door open I don't react thinking it's just another girl but when I hear the distinct sound of a lock being turned I freeze apprehensively. My fears are confirmed when I feel heat at my back and a set of lips caress my nape.

"Running away again Bambi? Don't you ever get tired of that?" Liam asks, placing small kisses up and down my nape.

Straightening, I turn in his arms and he allows it. Once I'm facing him he unsurprisingly draws me closer, hugging me to him.

"You-" I point at his nose "-need to stop touching me inappropriately!"

Undaunted he grabs my hand in his and places a kiss on the back like a gentleman in the 19th century. "But Bambi how can I stop? You are tempting and simply too adorable not to touch." He turns my hand and kiss my palm. "And you are my girlfriend. I have a right to touch you."

I had become a little dazed by his sweet behavior, but at that last bit my eyes widen and I let out a shrill "Girlfriend?!" to which Liam just nods sagely.

"Of course. You are my girlfriend. My very first I may add. You should be honored."

Honored? Honored? I can only stand there speechless with my mouth opening and closing like a fish on dry land. Liam takes advantage of my disability and tries to kiss my mouth but I push him away just in time. Apparently I surprised him because he takes several steps back.

"How did that happen? When did that happen? I think I would have remembered agreeing to being your girlfriend." Or would I? I was pretty out of it yesterday so could it have slipped?

"It happened yesterday. In my room. When I gave you your first ever orgasm." My face heat at the reminder. "And it happened when I had you trembling with fright in my arms. When you cried into my shoulder and when you finally slept sweetly beside me on the divan. " bringing his hands to my cheeks, he tilts my face upwards so he can look deeply into my eyes. "You can fight me on this Bambi, but you won't win. You want me. You might not want to want me but you do. And I want you so I'll fight for you." A crooked smile graces his face and he leans closer to peck my lips. "And I'm a persistent, stubborn bastard, so I'll win our battle of wills. You're my girlfriend Bambi. Mine. I already decided." He peck me sweetly again.

I release another sigh. "So I don't get a say?"

"Nope." He replies easily. "I already know what you'll say and as I said, I decided. You might as well give in." drawing away, he reaches for something in his back pocket and present me with it. "Ma wanted me to give you these."

These? These what? Oh, the yoga pamphlet. I take them from his hand and absently begin reading the fronts. "Oh and by the way, we're going on a date tomorrow." My head snaps up.

"No. No way. Liam we're not going on a date."

"Yes. Yes way. Bambi we are." Then he place a hand on the small of my back and lead me out of the restroom.

"Liam, no." he pushes me to the wall outside the restroom and this time he doesn't peck my lip, this is a full on kiss. With tongue.

After some time - don't ask me how long, my brain is mush at this point - he pull back a little and murmur against my mouth "We are going on a date tomorrow, right sweets?"

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