Chapter 30

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It took three of Liam's friend - Jason, Adam and a third whose name I don't know - to drag him of the man. When they finally managed, Liam began pacing up and down the floor, letting his hand glide aggravatingly through his hair. I was too busy mentally planning my inevitable and imminent move across the country to help Liam get over his obvious rage.

When the police arrived Liam had gotten control of himself back and had hesitantly approached me. I could see that we was apprehensive about my reaction to his nearness. Whether that was because of the trauma I had been through or because I had just seen him beat a man to near death, even after we had just gotten over the last time he intended to do something similar, I didn't know. And I didn't care.

I opened my arms to him and he hurriedly came to me and gathered me close, offering me comfort. In return I too offered what comfort I could manage at the moment, and I began stroking his back soothingly while he mumbled into my hair and held me close.

This is how the police finds us, locked in each other's arms. When the EMT's goes straight to the man on the floor - now awake and moaning - Liam becomes furious. "If you touch that son of a bitch before you even look at his intended victim I'll make you regret it!"

The EMT's share a look before one breaks off and approaches us. A policeman also makes his way over. The EMT asks if I'm hurt and I give her a rundown of my injuries. I wince as she gently touch and probe the tender skin on my cheekbone where I was hit. Before Liam can start throwing more threats around, I give him a look which makes him clam up and hug me tighter.

The officer squats down to our left. "I'm officer Hemmingway. What happened to you?" he asks kindly.

We spent the next thirty minutes telling officer Hemmingway what happened. Apparently Liam spotted me, my attacker and the gun when we walked among the mirrors. He shadowed us until he could safely take the man down. The officer applaud him for his strategy but reprimand him for the beating that followed. Liam doesn't look the least bit remorseful. Not that I expected him to. My attacker has long since been taken away on a stretcher and the EMT also left after declaring my injuries superficial and unnecessary to treat further. I ask officer Hemmingway what's going to happen next.

"We take him to the hospital." He answers. "As soon as the doctors give their leave we'll have a chat with him and figure out his motives. We'll know more in the morning. I'll need full names and addresses from both of you."

As soon as we have given him what he asks for, Liam picks me up, bridal style, and walks toward the exit.

"I can walk." I tell him quietly. The only response I get is a low grunt. Outside the haunted house the ruckus have drawn a crowd and the police is preventing everyone from coming too close. Liam walks straight towards the gathered people, who parts before him when he gets close. I guess he's still looking somewhat murderous.

"Caia!" the sound of my name makes Liam stop and turn. Camille, Jade and the rest of them are running towards us, shoving people out of their way. Camille and Jade comes to stand in front of us as the rest forms a circle around us. "What happened?! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." At their disbelieving looks and Liam's annoyed growl I amend "A bit banged up but mostly fine."

"Jason, Adam and Kyle told us you had been attacked!" Camille wails.

I cast a saying look on the curious onlookers and plead "Can we go now? Please?"

Liam doesn't even wait for my friends' confirmation, he just turns and start walking again, uncaring whether they stay or follow. They chose to follow.

Things got a bit tense when we reached the parking lot and Camille and Jade wouldn't allow Liam to take me home in his car, because there wouldn't be room for them in it. Liam still hadn't calmed totally down after our ordeal and he almost snapped again, right then and there. Jordan had pulled Jade back a bit and Adam dragged Camille behind him, for once ignoring her wishes. I defused the situation by placing my hand on Liam's chest and softly suggesting that Adam and Cade - who was unusually subdued - drove Liam's car to my apartment, while Jordan, Camille, Jade, Liam and I took the twins' car. After a bit of convincing Liam grudgingly agreed, but not how I imagined it. He took the middle seat in the back and placed me on his lap, refusing to let me sit on my own. Camille and Jade each took a seat beside us and Jordan drove the car. Jason and Alice drove behind us to give Adam a ride home.

Alice, by the way, had been surprisingly kind and thoughtful. She had had the guys walk in front of us to clear the way for Liam, she had offered me her sugary drink which I desperately needed to ward off going into shock and she had made sure none of our things had been left behind. So where Camille and Jade had offered their support by walking beside us and softly touching me every so often - in spite of Liam growling, they were my friends and they were worried about me, he was just gonna have to deal with it - Alice had made sure we could get away from it all as fast as humanly possible. I offered her a smile of thanks just before we got in the cars, and she gave me a soft but sad smile in return.

On the way home I retold the story to my friends. They took it pretty much how I imagined they would. Camille cried, Jade raged and threatened to cut my attackers balls off with a dull knife and Jordan just took it all in, quietly but with a taut face. They offered to stay the night with me but I didn't think Liam could take much more of their company and, honestly, I just want him right now.

Adam and Cade where waiting for us by the door to the stairwell of my apartment. Adam drops Liam's keys on my stomach and gives my shoulder a squeeze, before opening the door for us. I wave goodbye over Liam's shoulders.

Inside my apartment, Liam motioned for me to flip the lock and put on the chain before he sat me down. I take of my denim jacket and hang it besides Liam's leather jacket before asking "Are you hungry?" I don't wait for an answer and makes my way to the kitchen.


"It's still early, so I can cook something if you'd like?"

"Bambi, I-"

"I think I have some frozen chicken in the freezer, and some vegetable and noodles, I can do a wok." I interrupt.

"Bambi, sto-"

"I don't have a TV but we can watch a movie on my computer. You can just go sit d-"

"Caia." The sound of my name right beside my ear finally makes me stop my ramble. I'm staring blankly ahead of me as strong arms engulf me from behind and a cheek comes to rest on top of my head. "Caia." He repeats tenderly.

It starts with a uneven breath. Then a broken sob. Then I bury my face in my hands and the first frightened tears starts to fall.

Liam turns me and lifts me up on the countertop. I wrap my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck and hide my face in the junction where his neck meets his shoulder.

Then I cry my heart out in his arms.

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