Chapter 20

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Today when I make my detour past Liam's locker, he's standing with his back to the locker talking to some guy I have seen with him and Adam. We haven't ever been introduced so I don't know his name. He is just as build as Liam but not quite as good looking. More often than not I have seen a girl hanging on him and she's there too, standing by his side with her arm around his waist and his around her shoulders. The girl spots me as I stand in the hall, not really knowing what to do now. Liam is here, for the first time since I began making my little side trip and I never really thought about what I would do if that happened.

She taps Liam's shin with the tip of her high heeled booths and tilts her head in my direction. Liam turns to look, and when he spots me his face brighten in a glorious smile. Looking back at his friend, they do a manly chin lift as a goodbye before they move away from each other, Liam coming to me while his friend goes in the opposite direction without releasing his hold on his girlfriend.

Coming to a standstill in front of me, he reaches out and stroke my cheek with one finger and say "Hi."

With an indrawn breath I release a small "Hi" back at him.

He smiles at me and ask "Did you want something?"

Uh- oh.

"Uh I, I was just, I..." I struggle to come up with a sound reason for going out of my way to see him, but seeing as I don't even know why I do, it's proving to be a challenge.

His gentle smile transforms into an amused grin. "Wanted to see me, did you?"

Yes. "No of course not. I was just... passing by."

"On your way to...?" he lets the question fade out, leaving me to finish it.

"Class." Nice one Caia, brilliant answer!

"Isn't your first class advanced algebra?" yes, yes it is. "Which is in the other end of the school?"

I open and close my mouth a few times, like a fish out of water, but again I'm unable to come up with a decent answer. So instead I turn on my heel and make a break for it. As per usual I don't make it very far before I'm pulled back to Liam's chest by my waist.

Embracing me from behind, he lean down to kiss my neck and whisper in my ear. "Didn't I already tell you to stop running? Bambi, I'm glad you came to see me just because you wanted to, so there's no need to be embarrassed. I am your boyfriend after all." Oh gosh, that again? I struggle to pull away.

"I'm not your girlfriend Liam!" I say, twisting and turning this way and that, with absolutely no result apart from Liam tightening his hold.

"You are my girlfriend. Mine. Every guy in school knows that."

Ceasing my struggles for a moment I ask "What do you mean?"

"Nothing." He answers avertingly, placing a kiss on my cheek before turning my face to the side and up to look at him. "Point is I'm not letting you get away from me. None of the boys in this school will ever be up for the role of your boyfriend, since they don't measure up to me and they know I would beat them to a pulp." He kisses my lips hard and I close my eyes and whimper. "You're stuck with me for the foreseeable future. Maybe even forever if everything goes right."

"Why?" I whisper.

"Because I like you. I like seeing you smile. I like kissing you." He grins wickedly. "I really like touching you. I like having you within my sight, knowing you're safe and sound. You're addicting and I want to see you greet me with a smile and warmth in your eyes. For the first time in my life I'm falling." He pauses and hug me tighter for a second. "So I'm unwilling to let you go. Your opinion regarding this doesn't matter. I'll treat you well." He kisses my brow. "I'll give you everything you need." He kisses my eyelids. "I'll hold you when you're scared." He kisses my nose. "I'll help you whenever I can." He kisses the corner of my mouth. "And I'll love you. I just need you to give yourself a chance to love me back." Finally he kisses my mouth, slowly and sweetly, his tongue tangling tantalizingly with my own in a slow, passionate dance.

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