Chapter 7

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Vampire Enclave
Felan's POV

Warmth surrounded me as I lay in total darkness. I didn't want to move, for fear of the warmth leaving. There was this nagging voice in my head, though, that urged me to get up. I struggled to open my eyes, the blinding light causing me to squint.

When I was fully awake, fear overtook me and I shot up. My head shot around, my eyes darting across the room. No... I'm not in the pack house... Where am I? Then, it came back to me; Kyran, throwing me out, the rain. Are you okay? I asked my wolf.

Yes... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. He replied back, his head bowed. I shook my head. You did nothing. It was your connection to our mate; it was weak.

Voices in the hall alerted me to the presence of others, two, judging by the smell. Kyran came in, his eyes widening and his form darting to my side when he saw that I was awake. "Are you okay?!" He asked, his face washed with guilt and worry. I nodded. "... Yes "

I didn't look at him, instead looking at the person behind him. The same man from before. Alvah, if I remember correctly. Alvah waved, coming closer to inspect me. "Hmm... So this is Kyran's rumored mate. Cuter than I'd imagined."

Kyran growled and Alvah threw up his hands in defeat. "Don't try anything. I can just as easily contact Wynn as I can keep you hidden from him." Alvah paled and stepped back. I gave him a sad look, but he smiled and shrugged. I could tell it was more than, as he said, a fight for dominance, that was going on between them. A fight? A disagreement?

I thought about it while Kyran brought in a tray of food. All sorts of meat sat on the plate, and I grimaced. I know I had mentioned to him that wolves eat meat, but I wasn't one of them. Partially why I was hated; the pack had to specially find food for me.

Kyran looked at me, proud to have found me something to eat. That look, however, slipped when he saw my face. "Do you... Not like meat, wol- Felan?"

I shook my head, ashamed. I quickly covered it up. "I don't like it, but I'll eat it!" I added quickly. I tried to pick up the piece of meat, only to get shoved away by Kyran. He looked angry, and I whimpered. "Stupid... Don't force yourself! You should have told me!"

I looked at him, angry he accused me of being the problem. "How was I supposed to tell you?! Half the time I've been here had been spent asleep!"

Guilt flashed over his face, causing my chest to hurt and my wolf to whine. "No. I- I didn't mean-"

"No. You were right to say that, Felan."

Kyran walked out, leaving me and Alvah. Alvah gave a low whistle. "I don't think I've ever met someone who could diminish Kyran's pride so easily." I looked down, the hollow ache in my chest never fading. "Anyway, how are you feeling? You've been out for a few days."

"Fine, I guess. Just... Hungry."

"Yeah, you are pretty skinny. Wouldn't have thought you were a Werewolf if Kyran hadn't told me."

I nodded. The pack, being so hateful towards me, spent little time finding food for me to eat. Thus my small stature. It didn't help that I have a submissive wolf, or that my Alpha had named me an Omega from birth. Even so, I didn't hate my small size. It had it's advantages and disadvantages, just as being big would.

Kyran came back with a new plate of food, this one I happily devoured. He had a happy smile on his face while he watched me eat, then forced me to rest for the rest of the day.

It was strange, honestly, to see him act so kind after being so cold. I confronted him about it, and he simply said, "You'd do anything for your mate, right?" My wolf yipped with joy. Does this mean he accepts me?

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