Chapter 12

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Vampire Enclave
Kyran's POV

Alvah and Wynn finally came downstairs, after a day of arguing, Wynn's hand perched precariously on Alvah's waist. I raised an eyebrow at the blush that invaded both their faces. "Oh? Finally tied the knot, have we?"

Alvah burned an even brighter red, while Wynn shook his head. "No..." He said quietly.

I snorted. "And you never will if you keep letting Alvah have his way. In fact, he might even top you if this keeps up."

Both paled visibly when I suggested this, and my suspicions were confirmed. It's not like Alvah wanted to be the dominant, he was just too prideful to submit. That's partially why Wynn was so patient; he knew as well as I did that he would be the dominant. He just has to wait for Alvah to submit.

The pair was quiet, mulling this over. Finally, Alvah looked over at Wynn. His blush was a deep red, almost matching the color of Wynn's eyes. Turning back to me, he pulled my arm and led me out of the room.  "Do you really think I should let him? Doesn't it... Hurt?" Alvah said in a whisper.

I sighed. "Why are you asking me? I've never sumbitted, and I never will. Besides, it'll hurt more if you keep putting it off."

Alvah chewed his lip thoughtfully. When he didn't say anything, I left the room. Walking back over to Wynn, I ignored his death glare and whispered into his ear. "Feel free to use the guest room." A deep blush spread across his face as I walked away.

I entered my office, collapsing into the chair and sighing. All this trouble with Alvah and Wynn reminded me. If I know anything about Werewolves - and my knowledge is limited - Felan will be going into heat soon. We haven't discussed anything even related to the mating business. I suppose he's too awkward to bring it up, and I've never had to worry about things like having a mate.

Looking around, I glanced at the large bookshelves along the walls, inspecting each title carefully. Finally, towards the end of the room, I spotted the book I was looking for. 'Werewolves: An informational guide.' An unimaginative title, but it serves it's purpose.

Pulling the book off the shelf, I began to read:

'Werewolves are the only known creatures who have created a sacred ritual of finding a mate. They have the unique ability to be born with a special title - Alpha, Beta, Omega - that gives them a special place in their pack, or family.'

I knew about the ranking system, but had little idea what it meant. Turning the page, I continued:

'The Alpha is the leader, often times paired with an Omega to impregnate them and carry on the bloodline. Betas are the majority, and have no special place, save for the Beta or second in command to the Alpha. The Omega has the lowest rank in the pack, and the most unique ability. They can give birth, regardless of gender.'

I closed the book a moment, putting a hand to my face. What rank did Felan have? Beta? Omega? I knew it wasn't Alpha, but otherwise I was lost. At least my knowledge had improved. Next was mating:

'Mating, as mentioned before, is a sacred ritual to Werewolves. It connects two hearts and minds, and creates an almost unbreakable bond. Each Werewolf, at the age of eighteen, will find their soulmate, the one their wolf - a special entity in their mind given by the moon goddess - is bonded to.'

'The mating ritual is a way to connect their bodies, and inevitably their minds. In the ritual, the dominant partner will mark the submissive by giving a bite, just at the back of the neck, or at the junction of the neck and shoulder. This will claim them and lower the power of their heat.'

My mind ached, the information swimming as I read. Most of it made sense, but the overall idea of the ranking and mating didn't. If the Alpha is typically paired with an Omega, why did Felan get me? It says nothing about crossbreeding. Instead of answers, I found another passage on the heat cycle.

'The heat cycle is a way of letting the dominant know the best time for fertility of the submissive. It will often times be triggered before they are of age, to let them adjust to it and be prepared when their mate is found. The heat will be much stronger when their mate is near. Usually, the scent attracts most Alphas as a way to ensure successful breeding. The submissive will show several signs of heat; Higher body temperature, Scent is thicker than usual, Stomach and Chest pain, Higher sexual desire.'

Closing the book, I sat back. Felan was usually so quiet and sweet, it was hard to imagine his heat coming, if at all. He was a submissive, I knew that much, but it hurt to think he'd be in pain. And if his scent becomes more overwhelming, it would affect me too, right? There would be no telling how, since I'm not a wolf.

What if... What if I hurt him? I swallowed. I can't let that happen. Maybe... Maybe I'll avoid him, lock myself in until his heat is over, that I won't have to worry about hurting him.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I just got back from my trip. As a treat for waiting, I will do a double update on all stories, including this one, so stayed tuned for the next chapter of TMOAV which will be published in the next few hours. Once again thanks for waiting and I hope you enjoyed the update!

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