Chapter 11

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Vampire Enclave
Felan's POV

After Kyran told me he was the reason I got thrown out, I had to admit, I got a little scared. I saw what he did to our Beta, and that was in self defense. What could he do if he got angry? Who would he hurt? But, I quickly put it out of my mind. This is my mate. Vampire or not, shouldn't I have a little more faith?

Even so, I wasn't the slightest bit upset. Sure, he might have killed the Beta, but even that was in self defense. He wasn't the reason my mom died, and he wasn't purposefully trying to kill my father. And if I hadn't left, we wouldn't have met. And I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. It'd be nice to share it with my parents, but that's just the way things are.

Kyran seemed relieved that I still accepted him. It made me happy, to think he was worried about losing me. He even began to stay around me more often, and forced me to stop working around the house. "You're my mate," he'd said with a firm voice, despite the blush on his face. "I don't want you getting hurt."

Just him admitting I'm his mate made me long for his touch. It would be bad to go into heat now. We haven't even talked about mating or marking. I suppose Kyran wouldn't know, but I couldn't get myself to bring it up around him. It was already awkard enough, and he's only just accepted me. Mating will open up a whole new can of worms. 

Still, if I didn't tell him soon, I'd go into heat with him having no idea about the situation. Shouldn't I at least tell him? He doesn't have to do anything. I've been through a heat before without the assistance of a mate, all he has to do is be aware of it.

I glanced over at Kyran who sat at the couch, listening to the hushed yelling from above us. Even after a day, Wynn and Alvah had yet to solve their problems. I wasn't sure what they were arguing about anyway. Kyran seemed to know, though, and was thoroughly annoyed. He grumbled, glaring at the cieling.

I came over, tentatively taking a seat next to him. His gaze wandered down to me, and before I could do anything, he'd pulled me into his lap. Kyran buried his face into my neck - something he seemed to like doing - and sighed. "Honestly, those two should break up if they're going to keep arguing."

"Well... What are they arguing about?"

Kyran eyed me for a moment. "Both want to be the dominant in the relationship."


"The one who sticks it in."

My face flushed red. "O-oh... Haven't they... Done it before? They've been together for more than a century, right?"

Kyran snorted. "And in all that time they've never once made love. Honestly, Alvah should just submit already, but he's too stubborn. He's lucky Wynn is patient."

A bit of annoyance ran through me. "Why does Alvah have to submit? Why not Wynn?"

"Because Alvah is too timid to take the lead. You met Wynn. Can't you tell?"

I sighed, knowing he was correct. Alvah was no match for Wynn when it came to dominance. "But... Why do you care?"

I swallowed. "W-well... Why should the smaller one have to submit? That's all I was thinking."

"And what about you? You're not comparing Alvah to yourself? Do you want to be the dominant?"

I blushed red, knowing Kyran was teasing from the small smirk on his face. Giving his chest a small shove, I leaned into it, closing my eyes happily. "I love you."

A/N: Sorry for the wait, I've been busy lately with preparing for a family trip. That being said, it will be a while before I can update again, since I'll be out of country. I'll try to update during the trip, but make no promises. I'll be gone a month, so if I don't update during the trip the next update will be sometime in August. This goes for all of my stories, so I'll try to update them as well before I leave. Sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you enjoyed the update!

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