Don't fall for your teacher

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Dedicated to Paigee_Maddison because she kindly commented, voted and fanned me :) thanks a bunch!!

" That's our new teacher?!" I whisper/yelled to my best friend Kate. She nodded, gazing at him, watching him set up the things for our English class. " Isn't he yummy?" my other friend Amy laughed. " Isn't he too young to be a teacher? He must only be twenty!" "How old is he? Is he really twenty?" I asked. Kate shook her head. " He's older than that. And if he was twenty that would make him only three years older than us and that could be trouble." Amy nodded. " Yeah but who cares? He's hot!" I said, standing up from where we were hiding outside the classroom. " What are you doing?" Amy and Kate asked at the same time. I turned to them with a naughty grin on my face. " Getting to know my teacher," I replied then left them staring at me as I walked into the classroom. I quickly pulled my school skirt up a bit higher, so it revealed my tanned legs. I walked up to my teacher and put my hand on his shoulder lightly. " Do you need any help?" I asked in a playful voice. He turned around, and gave me a grin " Yeah, sure. If you just move those desks over there so we have more space between them." I nodded and went to pick up a desk, bending over a little more then needed so he could see some more of that leg. I helped him move some more and tried to get him to notice me more. " So when did you start coming here?" I asked him, moving a couple of chairs. " Not long ago." he replied. " This is my first day teaching." I nodded. " How old are you anyway? You look too young to be a teacher," I said jokingly even though there was a lot of truth it it. He grinned at me " I'm twenty three," he said moving a desk. " Oh yeah?" I asked. " You look younger than that," I said, giving him the slightest wink. " Yeah we'll that's not the first time I've heard that, mostly from other students strangely." he said innocently like he had no idea why. I laughed " Well you're the best looking teacher we've had since I've been here." he gave me a mock bow. " Thank you very much," he said. We moved some more chairs. " Where do you live?" I asked.

" In my parents old house. Sound pretty stupid, but it's actually really nice." he said. At that moment he was facing me so I pretended to drop something so I stooped down low to get it, my top opening a little more. " Do you live alone?" I asked. He chuckled. " What is this twenty questions?" I stood up and put my hand on my heart pretending to act offended. " I just want to get to know my lovely new English teacher," I said. He grinned at me, his rilles showing. " Yes I live alone," he said. " Are you happy now?"

" Yes." I replied giving him a Girly smile, battering my eyelashes as a joke.

" I'll see you later," I said, walking away from him, my hips swaying and my feet going in front of each over in smooths, confident strides. I walked out of the room and turned the corner seeing Amy and Kate still there. They squealed. " Do you know how much you flirted?" Kate asked. " You should have seen yourself, girl!"

Amy high Fived me. " This is bound to get exciting," she said, rubbing her hands together. I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next.

A/N: Hey everyone I hoped you enjoyed this first part. Like and comment and I'll try to write more. I'm planning to write everything that it says in the description, so just stay tuned. I'll be faster if I get more likes and comments :D

Don't fall for your teacherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora