Chapter 39

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Just a quick note to my readers: Thank you so much for your support so far with this story. I really didn't think it would grow so popular. I'm very grateful for your comments and overall love and kindness. - Sian

"Let's go to the bathroom," Hunter said when all the student's starting piling into the classroom. He didn't touch his mate in case he electrocuted him. Jacob turned and quickly walked down the corridor, the ringing in his ears became louder again. His heart thumped in his chest and his palms grew sweaty.

He didn't want to change, not again.

"Relax," Hunter murmured and pushed the door open. Jacob hurried in and was very, very thankful to see that the toilets were empty. Hunter stood next to the door so nobody could come in and studied his panicked mate. "Jacob, take deep breaths okay? It might make it worse if you panic."

Jacob tried but it was getting louder. He could feel the energy building up around him again. The static noise started to overtake Hunter's thoughts like it did last time.

"I'm scared," He breathed and gripped the sink. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, his eyes were stressed and his forehead creased into a worried frown.

The werewolf wanted to comfort his mate but he needed to make sure nobody entered. And how was he supposed to comfort him? He didn't have a clue what was happening and that was more daunting than anything else.

"I know and it's okay to be scared, but I won't let anything bad happen to you. This is your body, try and stay calm."

The noise then hit Jacob at full force making him crouch and cover his ears. It was unbearable once again. He felt helpless and almost alone. Nobody knew what was happening to him, therefore, nobody could help. He gasped for air and allowed a little whimper to slip past his lips. Hunter's heart broke, he just wanted to hug him and make it better but he was stuck to the spot and paralysed by the unknown.

Jacob rested his head on the ground and squeezed his eyes shut. The cold tiles numbed his skin while the rest of his body pulsed. He was tense and he could feel a force flowing through him. He was shaking and breathing hard. His mind felt like it was being opened and rummaged through, he felt like he was growing mentally this time, not physically.

"It hurts," He whispered and kept back his tears. It was so painful. "W-What's h-happening?"

Hunter's eyebrows furrowed and he slowly lowered himself to the ground. He kept his back against the wooden door and watched. His chest felt strange and he breathed heavily.

"Stay strong Jacob," He soothed, trying to calm him and also keep himself composed. "You're tough enough to get through this." However, he didn't know if that was true or not.

He then saw the faint flicker of a yellow light coming from his palms. The crackle of electricity filled the toilet's and he was concerned that someone would hear. As strange as it was, Hunter couldn't help but become mesmerised by it. Jacob was making this magical force happen, somehow.

Jacob has never felt more petrified. This was beyond normal, even though there was a werewolf sitting in the room with him, he was the weird one.

He cried out when a huge surge of electricity forced through his body and he scrunched up into a ball. He was violently shaking and trying to keep himself together.

Hunter was now low key freaking out. His mate was in pain and in a lot of danger. He didn't know how far this change would go and he didn't know how to stop it. He had given off a subconscious threat call to his pack members who were now standing outside the toilets. Sam had tried to enter but obviously, Hunter was in the way of the door.

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