Chapter 48

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"A god?" Zac frowned. Jacob, Hunter and his pack had reached their training grounds. It was on the outskirts of the town and owned by werewolves. To use it, each pack books a slot and has it for two hours. But because Hunter is Anthony's son, he can book it whenever he wants and can use it for as long as he wants. He always chose a Saturday because it was convenient.

Right now, they were all sitting in the middle of the court and Hunter was doing his best to explain Jacob's extraordinary powers.

"Yes, A God," He watched the men stare at his mate.

"Alpha, gods do not exist," Jonah spoke quietly, not wanting to offend him.

"That's what I thought too but I have seen it. Jacob can show you." Hunter turned to his mate who was fidgeting nervously. "Do you think you can bring back that lightning stuff?"

His pack glanced at one another, not knowing if this was a crazy joke or not. But Jacob was bigger and they saw how he healed himself in minutes.

"Um, I can try," Jacob didn't like the attention, he felt very judged.

"They are not judging you, they're just interested." Hunter thought and gave him a smile of encouragement. Jacob watched his mystic eyes and took a breath. He allowed himself to calm down. He could still feel the power circling within him and tried his hardest to allow it to come to the surface.

Hunter watched a little frown arch on his forehead with concentration. He loved it when he did that. He used to watch him do that in the lectures at college before they had properly met.

Just when his pack started to grow confused, they saw the warm yellow glow appear from his right hand. Jacob felt the tingling on his skin and turned it over. Their eyes then saw a little bundle of electric bolts, weaving around in a ball a few centimetres above his palm.

Jacob was surprised that he managed to turn it on so easily but he has the power within him, he knew he could do it. Hunter watched his eyes sparkle with pride and it made him feel happy too. Jacob was growing with confidence every time he remembered that he knew exactly who he was.

"No way," Ricky breathed and sat forwards. Everyone's, including Sam's eyes, was watching in amazement.

"What is that?" Harrison questioned.

"Jacob is the God of electricity." Hunter crossed his arms with satisfaction but of course, his pack wanted answers.

"But how?" Zac couldn't quite believe it. "He's... human."

"He's not," Hunter sighed, preparing himself for a long explanation.

Jacob liked watching the flickering bolts twist and turn. It was like watching the flames of a fire, coil and sway. He felt like his inner spirit was this bundle of electricity and it was strange for him to think that it almost felt like something which would listen to him and understand him. So he kept it on his palm and started playing with it by allowing it to wrap around his fingers.

Hunter's pack half listened to him and half watched Jacob as he explained about his family and the prophecy. He talked about the lunar cycle and how Jacob has been experiencing different things each day. He talked about the other gods and their elements. He didn't know much about them but didn't forget to say that Jacob was the only God to live in the United Kingdom.

He was very proud of him and felt very fortunate to be able to show him off and big him up in front of his pack. After all, he is the alpha and dominance runs in his veins. He needed to look like the top dog to them and this certainly showed it.

Being a mate of a god was an incredible privilege.

After he was done talking, everyone had raised eyes and an open mouth. That was a lot of information to process all at once.

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