Chapter 70

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I have an exam on Monday so I won't be able to update until Tuesday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it goes well but I've neglected my revision so... probably not! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

- Sian

When the bathroom door was locked, Jacob knelt down next to the brass taps, pointing into the bath. He turned the hot tap and allowed it to splash onto his fingers as he waited for the temperature to change.

hunter leant against the sink, crossed his arms and tried to steady his heart. The thought of sharing another special moment with Jacob was somewhat distracting his mind.

The water was quickly filling up the huge bath when cold water was added, trying to find a happy warmth for them both to enjoy. Jacob pursed his lips and avoided Hunter's eyes, knowing he would see the cheeky twinkle and an upcoming smirk. His cheeks were still bright, warm, and red. Yet he was excited that he was able to switch on his confidence.

It used to hide in the shadows of his mind, taunting him about the person who he could have been. Whenever it rose to the surface, it fizzled like a snapped fuse, blowing its energy and sinking back to the lonely corners of his thoughts. He could never hold it firmly out in the open until someone reassured him that his true self is acceptable and could be loved.

"Hunter," He mumbled over the running water. "Why did you used to tell me that you would take me swimming?"

The werewolf thought back to those days where his mate didn't know him and yes, he did say that.

"Well, I know you liked the water. Especially when it's freezing cold because it took your mind off me. I would say it because I wanted to hold a conversation. I don't know what I was hoping for, you'd always shoot me down instantly."

"Who wouldn't? You were a bit of a creep," Jacob chuckled lightly.

Hunter walked over and crouched next to him.

"I was in a lot of emotional pain you know," He grinned. "It hurt so much seeing you every day and knowing my words were making you worse."

"I like it now," Jacob returned his attention to the water. Seeing that the bath was full, he turned off the taps and stood up. "Hearing your voice feels normal."

Hunter stood up too and released a big sigh.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready for this." Looking at the water was making it harder for him to breathe. "Sam used to try and force me into rivers to clean my wolf and he never understood why I got mad at him and refused."

Jacob pulled off his shoes, his socks, and then his jumper.

"Are you worried that he'll treat you differently if you told him?"

Hunter nodded and watched him closely. Jacob dipped his fingers in the water, checking that he wasn't going to scold himself before lifting his leg and stepping in.

"What are you doing Jacob?" Hunter's confusion grew when he sat down, fully clothed, getting his jeans and t-shirt soaking wet. "You can't tell me you're still shy? We showered together this morning."

Jacob looked up with eyes that could read a thousand expression's and a little smile that could warm a thousand hearts.

"If you want to see me naked, you have to get in the water and undress me." His voice was quiet and cute.

Hunter's mouth very slowly hung open and his words echoed around his mind. One eyebrow raised as he subconsciously started to pull at the bottom of his t-shirt.

"You told me you didn't know how to flirt," He was rather stunned. "You're a fast learner." He stepped closer, feeling his mate take advantage of his over affectionate personality. "But well played, there's no way I'm missing out on this."

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