Chapter 10

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"You're not like Tai'ray said..." Aw'endo commented quietly, moving off the bed and standing without fear in front of the man in a way that only a child could. Aw'endo looking up close at Inai's face.

"Aw'endo! Behave!" Ryraso barked, grabbing Aw'endo by the back of his tunic and pulling him back to a respectable distance.

Inai laughed at the response. Isst let out a grin too. It wasn't unusual for children to be entranced by the high priest. Something about him radiated safety and warmth to them being quite literally Loror's polar opposite. Still, Inai wasn't used to the children being Aw'endo's appearance in age, though.

"It's fine," Inai smiled at Ryraso before looking back at Aw'endo. "Your guardian is worried about you."

Inai's wording was careful. From the little knowledge he had of the k'nairi, it wasn't a good idea to call Tai'ray by name unless the person he was talking to knew he had been given permission to and calling Tai'ray 'father'at the moment was not a good idea either. It seemed Tai'ray had failed in his duties. Ryraso got away with calling Tai'ray by name, but that was because every k'nairi knew of the history they shared.

"He...I know. I can feel him trying to get through the shield over the ship," Aw'endo murmured, his wings low. "He is displeased with the situation." Aw'endo rubbed his arm.

Ryraso placed a hand on Aw'endo's back below his wings and rubbed gently. "Must be if the shield's not strong enough to block him completely," Ryraso murmured, not impressed by this. It was too little too late in his opinion. Though, he mused, he needed to put the new seal on Aw'endo soon.

"I'll talk to Taidra, see if he can boost the shield more," Inai commented, his eyes narrowing slightly. He didn't like the look of fear on the boy's face, but he couldn't be sure of it being genuine or not at the moment. Being scared of an angry parent was natural of any child but did Aw'endo have cause to be truly scared of Tai'ray? Inai didn't know. "What will he do when he gets you back?"

"Clip my wings and give me a lecture," Aw'endo shrugged, his posture was unafraid, but his wings were shivering, pressing against Ryraso looking for comfort. As much as the boy wanted to look strong, he wasn't quite old enough to hide his true feelings.

"That's..." Inai looked at Ryraso for help, wanting to know for sure what that meant as a punishment.

"In our terms, he's grounded without privileges for three months," Ryraso commented, ruffling Aw'endo hair gently with a small smile on his lips. Aw'endo leaning into the touch. "At Aw'endo's age the feathers grow back quick enough and the punishment is more solid than grounding because they can't fly until the feathers have regrown," he explained with a knowing look in his eyes. Aw'endo pouted and blushed.

"I see," Inai smiled lightly, understanding now the fear was simply a child's one of not wanting to be punished. Tai'ray, for all his flaws, wasn't bad to the child then, not given Aw'endo's current state. Inai knew Tai'ray slightly and he seemed like a good leader to his men, but a man could be a good leader and a bad parent. "So he won't be harmed for being behind enemy lines?" he asked to clarify.

"No," Ryraso reassured warmly, "He's going to get a scolding and likely a good smack or two but the k'nairi are big softies when it comes to the young," he chuckled fondly. Aw'endo blushed at the words and pressed closer to Ryraso, muttering at him to shut up.

"I'm glad. The Winglord is unhappy but I promised him that you would stay with Ryraso for as long as you behave and has agreed to allow it," Inai said addressing Aw'endo directly, his voice turning slightly sterner. Aw'endo went to complain but at a growl from Isst, he shut his mouth, pouting slightly. "At Ryraso's request, you will stay with him. He's responsible for you so behave yourself, child. If you try to escape or pick a fight too many I will put you in the brig instead. Is that clear?" Inai said clearly in a tone which was not about to be argued with.

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