Chapter 19

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The purr sent shivers down his back and he stumbled in his steps. Sayskel caught him before grabbing his wrist again.

"Tai'ray if you've hurt Taidra I'll pluck your wings myself," Sayskel snarled angrily.

Tai'ray laughed, the sound echoing in the small metal space. "I'll punish you for that comment one day Sayskel," he said in that purr again, Ryraso's heart clenching at the thought. "Today I have no time. Nel'os will see you now Ryraso."

"Duck," Ryraso yelled, as he heard the familiar sound of Nel'os warping.

There was a strong pulse of the wind in the shaft which sent everyone flying, Eyeri yelling out in surprise, Aw'endo holding him tightly against the air current. Nel'os appearing in the centre of the group, a dark smile on his face. Sayskel took one look at the k'nairi before diving at him with a war cry.

"Sayskel!" cried his brother as he went to shoot at the k'nairi but soon discovered he couldn't get a good aim as the two men fought in the tiny space. He couldn't risk the bullet ricocheting. Ryraso was stuck behind them.

"Kelenn! Get Eyeri and Aw'endo to safety!" Ryraso ordered, unable to get across to them.

"Please," Tai'ray snorted unimpressed with the words. "I'll send Dyn'ad to pick Aw'endo up from twin 2. Who is the young one by the way? Eyeri, was it?" Tai'ray's voice mused over the comm, the words sending cold stabbing pains in his heart. Tai'ray was still listening to him.

"Leave him alone," Ryraso snarled. He pulled his own weapon out and leapt onto Nel'os's back, trying to help Sayskel defeat the k'nairi warrior. He pulled at the k'nairi's wings, using every weak spot he knew about the race. Nel'os yelled in pain, slamming him against the wall.

"Now now, Ryraso," the winglord scolded still with a chuckle of amusement in his voice. "You shouldn't do that. You'll hurt your family," he said like it was a regretful thing to do.

"You're not family!" Ryraso hissed violently, thinking of the people who made up of it. Many of them in danger at that very moment because of Tai'ray and Loror.

"That's a lie and you know it Ryraso," Tai'ray warned darkly, his voice taking on that edge which signalled Tai'ray's sanity was starting to run out. "But indeed, at the moment the people on this ship are your family, are they not?" the Winglord commented. "I didn't kill Taidra you know. He's still alive, unconscious at the moment, but alive. That can change."

Ryraso froze in horror, realising the implications of that sentence. Nel'os used the moment to pin Sayskel to the wall, pressing his forehead against the younger man's.

"Heard that Sak? Ray hasn't killed Taidra. Your cousin is safe," Nel'os murmured to the warrior. Sayskel's struggling faltered for a moment at the news. "Sorry Sak," Nel'os added sadly before headbutting the man. A loud ringing went through the shaft as Sayskel's head hit the metal and Sayskel fell to the ground.

Nel'os grabbed Ryraso round the waist as Ryraso reached for Sayskel, drawing him close. Nel'os felt hot against him, but the man's eyes solemn. "Time to face the music, Ry" Nel'os whispered into his ear, his voice strangely neutral, almost cold.

"Nel'os," Ryraso breathed not sure what to make of his tone. Ryraso felt an odd sensation pass through him.


Kelenn froze mid-step as a loud bang echoed through the shaft. Turning backwards to look in the dim of where they had just come from. Eyeri and Aw'endo stopped, watching the warrior.

"Kelenn?" Aw'endo asked, an urgency in his voice. They had to get out of there now.

"I can't hear Sayskel anymore," Kelenn whispered darkly, clearly torn between going back to find his twin and following his orders.

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