Chapter Five

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Brow creased in concentration, I sketched another outfit on my pad, listening to the sound of the TV. The simple gown I'd started to draw was turning into something else; it was evolving. It grew longer, silkier, and tighter, until I stopped. I wouldn't be able to model that gown. It was too slim. WAY to slim. I ripped the page out, crumpled it up, and threw it amongst the others on the floor. I sighed. Why did I agree to do the stupid contest in the first place?

Maycn's challenge. Right. But if they weren't going to talk to us anyway, why should I continue to do the contest? They didn't care anymore. Mom hadn't even called the previous night, our second day in the apartment. No one had checked up on us to see if we were even alive. They meant it when they said we were on our own. It's like we were dead to them. Dead and buried.

The sound of the door unlocking brought me out of my depressed stupor, and I leaned back against the sofa, throwing an arm over my eyes. I didn't want James to see me. To see what a failure I was.

The door clicked home. "Chris, I'm... back?" I heard him step on a ball of crumpled paper, and stop. "Chris?"

"I'll pick them up, okay? For now they can litter the ground like the trash they are," I moaned.

"Neil, watch your step when you come in. She's been sketching again."

I sat up so fast my head spun. Sure enough, Neil was stepping through the door after James, who carried a bag of Chinese takeout. He ignored my wide, panicked eyes, and set the bag on the table. "Neil came for dinner."

It took everything in me not to jump up and run to my room. I did, however, scoot to the opposite end of the couch, eying the hall. I wondered if I could make it before he caught me. I didn't think so.

"I tried to tell him you wouldn't want me here, and tried to make him warn you at least. He wouldn't listen. Look, just tell me to go, and I'm gone."

When I looked back at him, Neil took a step back, hands raised in surrender. He looked great, and I was dressed in an old black sweatshirt and jeans. I looked like a lumpy potato next to a god.

"You don't have to go. I'll just be in my room-"

"No you won't, Chris. You're eating with us. Now."

"I ate dinner already."

James didn't bother to call me a liar, as he knew there was no food in the fridge. "You're staying. I don't know why you freak out whenever he's around, but I can't have my best friend and my little sister not getting along. We're going to sit down and eat like normal, civil people, and you two are going to have some sort of conversation. Neil, you're sitting by Chris."

Neil doesn't move, eyes on me. "I don't think you understand, James. It's not that we don't get along. Your sister simply seems intent on avoiding me at every opportunity. We haven't had a chance not to get along, besides yesterday when you introduced us. Based on that, I can tell you she doesn't want me to sit next to her, and know it's the truth."

I looked away, down at my lap, and James let out an exasperated sigh. "I'll get bowls."

When he walked away, into the kitchen, there were a few seconds of uncomfortable silence before Neil came to some sort of decision. He started towards me, and instead of sitting on the opposite side of the sofa like I expected, sat so close to me our hips brushed. I looked at him in surprise.

"I can't figure you out. Did I do something to offend you, or are you just mad at the world?"

My mouth opened, and closed. I turned away, embarrassment rendering me speechless. Why couldn't I just go to my room and exist in depressed silence? Was that so much to ask?

James returned, and set the bowls on the coffee table. "We got Star Trek to watch. Neil's never seen it, and you know that's not right. I thought you weren't sitting by her?"

I feel Neil's eyes boring holes in the side of my head. "You know me... I'm nothing if not persistent. She'll talk to me eventually."

I wouldn't. He could think whatever he wanted, but I would never give into his false charm. James took out all the cartons and opened them, putting them in a row, then laid the forks and spoons down. "Go ahead. I'll set the movie up."

Neil dug in, but I didn't move. No way would I eat in front of him. I'd rather someone shoot me.

"Not eating?" he asked.

"I'm not hungry."

He paused in serving himself. "That's funny, I didn't peg you as one of those girls."

"One of what girls?" I asked, voice tight.

He shrugged, continuing. "One of those girls that don't eat. I just didn't think you were one of them."

Anger coursed through me before I could stop it. "What did you have me pegged for? A fat pig who'll stuff her face with whatever is available? Is that what you thought?"

He stopped, as did James, and stared at me. "No, I-"

"Why do you want to 'talk to me' anyway? It's suspicious, the way you've been trying to start up conversations with me. I only met you two days ago. Is there already a bet going around to see who can con the cow into thinking a model is interested in her? How much money is at stake?"

"Christelle!" James straightened. "What's wrong with you?"

I didn't remove my eyes from Neil's. "Well? How much? One? Two grand? How much, Neil?"

He nodded, and stood. "I think it's time for me to go, man. I'll see you at the studio, yeah? Thanks for the invite, but I can see it was a mistake to come."

The door shut behind him, and James turned to me. I couldn't meet his eyes. The silence beat down on us, and I felt his anger rippling from his shoulders.

"He told me earlier that he was really interested in you, Chris. He said you were pretty, and so shy it was cute. There was no bet. I guess you don't care, though. He's gone, and that's what you wanted. You had an opportunity to actually make a friend for once in your life, and you blew it." He tossed me the remote. "But you didn't want to be friends with him to begin with. You're too good for friends, yeah?"


"I will. I'll eat in the kitchen. Enjoy the movie by yourself, since you want to be alone so bad."

He gathered the cartons, and carried them into the kitchen, along with a bowl. He didn't answer me when I tried to talk to him, and I was left by myself. The movie started, but I turned it off, laying down on the sofa. It was better to be alone. No one to hurt you.

So why did I feel so terrible?

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