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He was a nerd, but a handsome one. more handsome than any of the other senior boys. He wasn't popular, he didn't even do sports, but with amazing spiky black hair with blonde tipped ends, he outmatched any other boy. It was true he was a bit scrawny, and only 5 foot 7, but I didn't care.
    He was picked on a lot and recently called absurd names, but I knew they weren't true.
It was the fourth period, my favorite, art. He was in there too, but today something was wrong, he came in right after the bell rang, hatred in his purply, bruised eyes, and a hand mark on his face. He plopped himself in the desk next to me, head down.

"We've learned enough about how to paint, so today class, we'll be painting" the teacher Mr. Hefferson said with a grin.
 "Find a canvas and wait for instructions, you will be sharing paint with your elbow buddy"
   We all found a canvas and I quickly made my way next to him. The teacher whispered something to Gav and then announced that we were painting cougars. I looked at him and whispered.

"You okay G?"
He just looked at me with sad eyes and turned away.

Hate Is a Battlefield, Love Is a WarWhere stories live. Discover now