The Truth

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I groggily opened my eye, wondering why I could only see out of one, then as I looked in the room I quickly remembered. Nurse Stacy was there as I tried to get up still drowsy from the Anesthesia. Stacy held up a needle that looked like the one from before. I quickly calmed down.

I tried to speak but my throat hurt and all that came out was a cough.
"You had an intubation tube in your throat while you were In surgery. You suffered from an undetected ulcer that exploded and we weren't able to salvage anything but the surrounding eye muscle. Which we can attach to a prosthetic to look like your other eye, but that will be later" she said solemnly.
"Now before you try to speak I can guess it will be something about Alex, so I have a surprise." She unveiled a curtain behind her that I had just noticed now to reveal Alex, still covered with bandages and tubes. He looked over and smiled at me.

"Thank you, Stacy." I managed to say. All she did was smile and leave the room. Alex and my beds were actually pretty close, the only thing separating them before was the curtains. He slowly moved his hand to my face.

"I'm're........okay" he cried.
"I the.....ground......I was". By that time I had gotten up, in that small space between our stretchers and put a finger over his lips. His cheeks were the color of beautiful roses and I bent down and kissed him with all the passion and love I had kept pent up for so long, and to my surprise, he kissed me back.

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