A World Of Change

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"Follow me," the nurse said after we had talked for about ten minutes. She led me to a game and well-filled room which I found out was the staff lounge.
"Don't tell anyone I did this, because I might get in trouble but....." She said

"You don't have to" I blushed, interrupting.

"I want to. So as I assume you're staying you can crash here. I think you should call someone though." She said turning away as another nurse whispered something to her.

"Thank you" I whispered sitting down on the couch. "He would not care if I went missing, my dad"

"Well then You might be here for a while, also the CT came back, He has a massive brain bleed and skull fractures. I'm so sorry. I have to go, nurse bob will get you some blankets, he's cool with you being here too." she left and I curled in a ball and started crying. I felt the blankets being put next to me, I grabbed one and slammed my head against the couch.
I cried so long that I turned sleepy and fell asleep sad and worried.
At a very early time in the morning around five, I think, the nurse shook me awake.

"He was very unstable for most of the night, I stayed with him, so I could be there, luckily he made it. The reason this happened is because we found out he has osteoporosis either from genetics or an undetected hyperactive thyroid that has been there since birth (which could explain why he is so skinny). We took some x-rays and also found broken ribs and healing finger breaks."

"Please just take me to him" I pleaded. I shot up as she led me to the ICU.

"Although he's stable now he just had a massive surgery and he could turn at any point."
My eyes started welling up again.

"That's not the only thing..... he is in a coma, we don't know if he'll wake up, and if he does if he will ever be the same, I'm so sorry." She gave me a hug and opened the door. I just stood there in her arms, not caring that she was a complete stranger. I pulled myself semi-together and walked into what looked like a science experiment gone wrong. Tubes were coming from his arms, throat, etc. he looked so small and defenseless despite being almost 6 feet tall. He had been through so much. He had no parents, I didn't ever see him with friends, much less a significant other.
His head was wrapped so much, he looked like a mummy, I knew his ginger front-flicked hair was gone. His chest was wrapped around in a soft cast. His eyes were sunk and he looked horrible. I slunk to the floor next to his bed, a depressed mess. I curled up in the fetal position and cried myself back to sleep.
I woke up somehow in a chair next to his bed. I looked at Alex, and I was glad when I heard a nurse say that they were going to take out his intubation tube. But I was still shook and depressed. An unfamiliar nurse walked in and handed me some jello and had a sorrowful smile. I couldn't even show any emotion as she left, I didn't even say thank you. I distastefully ate it and put the cup on a nearby table.
My phone went off. It said
"GeT YouR ShOrT BuTT HOmE B4 I FinD YoU!!!!!! Come dO ThE LAunDry!!!"

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed in anger throwing the phone, its screen cracking. Every moment of the day and I can't get away from HIS "problems"!!!! I thought.

"No.............need...............to.do.........that," a quiet voice said. My eyes whipped to the bed and Alex's sea-blue eyes were open, and he was smiling.
"Why.................is.............it..........taking.....so.......long....to talk? He muttered.

"Well you had brain surgery because they found out you had osteoporosis," I said blushing and very happy. His eyes widened but he made no further comment on the issue.

"Why......did......you...............OWW.........stay" he said breath lumbering from the broken ribs.

"You h-helped me when I w-was depressed and I have lik....." his hand had already slid over to mine courageously, the comfortable feeling of warmth spread from his fingertips to mine, even though he was in a cold and sterile smelling hospital. My heart was pumping and my sadness melted away. We both smiled, color filling our cheeks. With our hands still together I chuckled and said

"You know you're peeing in a bag" and I completely lost it with giggling, the sudden change in the mood-setting was so dramatic I just broke down with laughter. Suddenly I stopped.

"Wh.........at?" He breathed.

"I can't see out of one of my eyes!" I started hyperventilating and I could feel liquid dripping down my face and the taste of pennies in my mouth. I could see out of one eye that Alex was horrified. He took his hand off of mine and pressed the help button on the gurney. I flinched because I didn't want his hand to move off mine. A nurse immediately busted open the door.

"I'm glad to see you're....... AHHHHH DOCTER!!!" She screamed. Almost instantly the room was swarmed by doctors, a few were asking Alex a bunch of questions which he slowly replied

Stacy came to his aid and pushed the information-hungry nurses away, standing like a guard over him.
They tried to put me in a wheelchair, and I went completely crazy.

"NO!!!!! I NEED TO STAY HERE, PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME AWAY!!" The doctors tried to restrain me but my adrenaline was on full blast.
"Ouch!!!" I yelled looking down, there was a needle in my arm and green liquid being pushed from it. The last thing I can remember is seeing a tear in both of Alex's eyes when I dropped to the floor, falling unconscious.

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