Chapter 35

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When we got home that night, instead of having the peaceful night I had longed for, my mother seemed to have other ideas. After we had all settled onto the couch, she called me from the room. I pushed myself off of his lap and followed her into the hall.

"I'm letting you go because I know you need a break from this god awful place, however we are still not finished with our conversation from before."

I rolled my eyes and glared at her, "As if you even needed to give permission. Was Aunt Sue's not enough? She's the one who's been taking care of me forever."

"Yes, but I am still your mother and because I hold this title, you need to respect me."

"Okay," I said.

"Okay?" She repeated.

"I'm sorry."

She eyed me carefully, trying to read my face for signs of truth telling or sarcasm, but there was none to be found, I was honestly sorry. When I was mad, I had said some things I had come to regret, "Yes, I'm telling the truth," I answered her question written in her expression, "I said some things I didn't mean during our disagreement and I'm sorry."

She nodded and wrapped me up into a hug, "That's my girl. I forgive you."

I had to bite my tongue so that I wouldn't go off on her, but I knew forgetting this whole argument would be better for everyone in the house. We let go of one another and returned to the living room.

"Glad to see you didn't burn down the house," my dad jokingly remarked as we took our movie watching seats on opposite sides of the room. We may have made up, but I still held true to my feelings about what I had said to her. Calum's arms opened up for me as I settled down next to him, turning my attention to the screen.

"So what shall we watch?" Aunt Sue asked, breaking the extreme tension in the room around her.

Everyone just sort of looked around at each other, no one having any specific preference over what we watched. I think it was just the thought of being around one another that really was what mattered. Eventually Steven spoke up and he snagged the remote, turning on Peter Pan, to which no one argued. About halfway through the movie, he passed out in my dad's arms, drool dripping down his chin. Calum had pointed that out to me and we laughed together at the sight. George had carefully scooped up Steven and carried him up stairs. By the time George had returned from tucking him in, the rest of the adults had decided to go to bed as well, leaving Cal and I alone. He smiled down at me as we continued to attempt to watch the movie. Before long I was in his lap again and his lips were against my neck.

"Seriously, someone is gonna come back down and catch us," I whispered as he trailed his mouth up to beneath my ear.

He mumbled something that I couldn't catch and continued to pull my hips closer. My legs settled on each side of his waist and my fingers tangled into his hair. I gasped as his fingers ran up and down my sides, brushing my bra slightly. I let out a surprised yelp and he laughed, his lips leaving mine and connecting to the base of my neck.

"Let them all hear," he joked, hopefully as he traced my skin back to my mouth. I couldn't help but let out a small moan as my hips started to slightly grind into his lap. I could feel what I was starting by doing that, but everything just felt too damn good to stop. Eventually he dedcided it was enough and broke the kiss.

"What?" I breathed, my eyes still closed.

"I don't need your parents hating me more than they do," he explained, though his eyes and face said otherwise.

I giggled and snuggled into his chest, my hand tracing shapes onto his arm. We drifted off to sleep together. 

The next day was spent lounging around the house. No one really wanted to go out so we were content with baking cookies all day and watching sports together. Once the soccer game started, and Calum and Steven were deep in a conversation about the strategy for Liverpool, I found time to sneak away and go to I check my email at around 4pm and saw that I had an assignment due the Monday we got back from break. I groaned and my head fell into my hands. Just then, Sue entered my room, smoothing her hair into a ponytail, "Everything okay kiddo?" She asked. I nodded and pointed at the screen. "Ah," she replied in realization, "Well you can just do that on the plane and then email it." I looked up at her, trying to reason with her simplistic view.

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