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The next morning at Arkham Asylum was a dreary one. The prisoners were unsettled and ready to pick a fight. The guards were nervous and ready to strike with their batons. However, nothing seemed more like a tense situation than what was happening in the warden's office. Silence can be haunting, especially if the people present have daggers in their eyes and giving the other or others the cold shoulder. Mr Sharp sat at his desk and glanced over at his daughter with a look of anger and embarrassment. Annie, on the other hand was trying to not meet her father's eyes. He seemed always ashamed of her. Whatever she did was not good enough for him. Expecting too much was one of his most ignorant qualities. He looked down on the prisoners and she always wondered why he was the warden of a mental institute if he did not try to improve or change the asylum for the better.

Clearing his throat loudly, Mr Sharp finally spoke to his daughter although she wish he hadn't. His tone was condescending and lacked sympathy.

"You shamed me today Annie. All that nonsense in front of the cameras. Waving and pulling silly faces. You are twenty eight years old. You could grow up a little."

Annie had to object to her father's accusation. "What silly faces? Yes I waved but I did not pull any face. You're just imagining things anyway. I only came to work here because you wanted me to." Her tone became lighter as she pressed on. "However I do like it here. Some of the guards are really funny and friendly. The prisoners seem like they want to be cared for."

At this, the warden gave a hearty chuckle. "Cared for? They are sick Annie. Twisted the lot of them. If I was in charge of Gotham, I would stick them in a huge hole to rot."

Annie stood up. She did not want to hear any more of this. Her father's words were uncaring and did not match her views. Determined and stubborn as ever, she started to march out of the room. Before she did so, she turned to her father who looked shocked at her sudden move to get away.

"You know dad, I don't see any common ground between us. All we do is argue. I wish we were more closer but you keep pushing me away because you are arrogant and greedy."

Annie opened the door to leave when she saw a woman with dark hair in her twenties smiling at her. "Leave the door open for me will you?" Her grin grew wider and it made Annie feel....nervous. Strange. Why would she feel nervous when the lady was just trying to be polite? The cheerful lady thanked her and Annie noticed that she was wearing interview clothes. Deciding to listen in she put her ear up against the door.

"Ahh welcome to Arkham Asylum Miss...Blackwood is it?" The warden held out a hand for her to shake. The lady shook it stating her name.

"Miss Blackwood. I am here for the interview."

The warden smiled. "Yes I was expecting a Miss Blackwood to come. You're early. Come and take a seat. My daughter Annie was just in here. She is an intern at Arkham although we get into a few disagreements at times."

Miss Blackwood smiled. "Kids can be tough."

"Well I see no problem with your resume. Looks like you have had some experience in previous prisons in Gotham including Blackgate. Just a couple of questions. Why did you choose Arkham as your place of work?

"I heard from a doctor who used to work here that it was a fascinating and complex place. I like a challenge."

"Ahh which doctor may I ask?" The Warden asked with an interested look.

Miss Blackgate tapped her chin gently. "Hmm. You know I can't actually remember her name. Funny that." She began to laugh making the warden jump and then join in the laughter.

Outside, Annie had the biggest scowl on her face. How dare he talk about her like that to a complete stranger? Or someone she would be working with if offered the position. Not wanting to hear any more of this, Annie flounced off and went to see Two- Face who had been assigned as her first patient. Her father still carried on with his interview, unaware that his daughter was hurt.

"Well Miss Blackwood. One more question. What qualities do you think is suitable for this position?"

Miss Blackwood clasped her hands together. "Calm, friendly. patient, reliable and throw in a good sense of humour."

The warden laughed. "Fantastic answer. I am pleased to announce you have got the position as psychologist here at Arkham."

"Why thanks Mr Sharp. I will make you proud." She shook his hand again then turned to leave. She muttered three words which were unheard. "Very proud indeed."


"Miss Blackwood isn't it?" The Joker stood next to a dark-haired woman in her twenties who was tied up and gagged. Miss Blackwood sat facing the Joker in her own home when he had stormed in. She was the unlucky victim that the Joker had chosen who had experience in working in a Gotham prison other than Arkham.

"Mmm." She mumbled through the gag.

"Oh what is it?" The Joker asked in irritation taking off the gag.

"Please. I have an interview at Arkham. This is my only chance to get a proper job. Blackgate was a disaster."

The Joker laughed. "But very impressive to put on your resume doc. I am sure you will get the job." Laughing to himself, he shot her in the stomach and left her in a pool of blood.

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