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Annie went off to interview Ivy as quickly as possible. She knew her dad was just around the corner checking up to see whether his staff were lazing on the job. Darting in and out between cells (she was good at that) she managed to reach Ivy's cell.

"Good afternoon Ivy. I apologise for the late. There were some important matters to attend to." Annie bustled around trying to find a chair. To her annoyance, Ivy just sat there with a smirk.

"More important than me? Why Dr Sharp, I am flattered." Ivy said with sarcasm. She raised her eyebrows as Annie hastily sat down in a chair and started to get her equipment out. Just then the door opened to reveal her dad.

"Oh good. You are doing your session sorry Dr Sharp. I will leave you to it then." He exited the room whilst Annie rolled her eyes.

"My, he does seem the annoying type dosen't it?" Ivy commented blowing her pretty red hair out of her face. "Tell me my dear, what colour do you bleed?"

Ignoring her, Annie spoke harshly. She still did not forget the time when Ivy mucked up her observation. "I want no nonsense today Pamela." She smirked this time knowing that Ivy hated her birth name.

"Oh dear we are getting loud today aren't we?" Ivy told her. Annie did not know what came over herself but she grabbed Ivy's plant containing a single sunflower off the table making Ivy jump.

"One by one. Look at them Ivy. The petals." Annie started to pick one petal at a time off the shining sunflower.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Ivy shouted at her coming towards her.

"I want answers about a certain someone who used to work here. Harleen Quinzel. I have a hunch she has returned in some form or another." Annie stated dryly. She had her suspicions about Dr Blackwood since Roxy shouted out that accusation.

"Harleen Quinzel was a former doctor at Arkham Asylum. An intern just like you. However why ask me?" Ivy seethed still eyeing the plant. "You can look in her file if you are that interested."

"Every time I get to that stupid file, Dr Blackwood seems to be there. I caught her sneaking up on me the other day." Annie did not know what made her speak out the next sentence but she felt like she had to. "I think that Dr Blackwood is Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn."

Ivy looked at her for a few moments then burst out laughing. "I do not know where you get your information from Annie." She said her name to taunt the confused young lady. "But your sources and intuition is all wrong. Leave it to the professionals."

"For once I agree with you." Annie looked at Ivy sincerely. "I feel that nobody listens in this place. They are all morons. Especially my dad."

Ivy pointed to Annie's timer. "I think your time is up doctor thanks to your late entrance."

Annie nodded. "If you did know anything about Harley, please tell me Ivy." On that note she left leaving Ivy to panic. Once Annie had gone, she summoned a guard. "Bring me Dr Blackwood now."

"I will see if she is ready. She may be in a therapy session Ivy. Why, is your plant dying?" He laughed looking at the scattered petals on the floor.

Ivy controlled herself until Dr Blackwood entered. "Why Pamela, you called?" She grinned.

"No jokes Harley. She knows. Well at least she is very suspicious of you."

Harley put her hand up. "Ivy, who are you talking about?

"Annie." Ivy told her desperately. "I don't even know what you are doing here Harley. This is nuts. You are going to get caught and all for your precious Mr J."

For the first time, Harley looked worried. "Annie knows?"

"Well she has a deep hunch."

Harley started pacing the floor. "Ok I need to do this quickly then. I have to inject all of the inmates at Arkham with this." She showed Ivy the needle with the blue serum contained in the tube.

"What does it do?" Ivy asked. "I am immune to all toxins remember."

Harley hugged Ivy. "Not you Red. You and Annie are getting out of here with me as soon as I finish."

Ivy hugged her back although thought about it. "Look what she did to my poor petals."

Harley laughed. "Oh boo hoo. I would have done the same things. You don't half go on about your plants Red. They are so boring." She stamped on the petals making Ivy grab her roughly.

"Don't you dare. When you work for the Joker, you become more of a monster than even I sometimes Harley. Now for the second time, what does the blue toxin do?"

"It just puts the inmates into a deep sleep that is all." Harley grinned.

"Then what?" Ivy asked.

"Well don't want to leave any surprises. Trust me, you and Annie will be fine. I will get you both out of here before the party. Now if you please." She motioned to Ivy holding her collar to which Ivy released abruptly. "Thank you. Now I must go. I have other inmates to inject. I have done most of them. Should be finished soon. See ya."

Ivy watched her exit the cell then heard her outside chatting professionally to the guard. "No, she was just upset because of her stupid petals." When the guard was not looking, she gave an angry Ivy a wink then left.


Annie was in her office packing things away as it was the end of another tedious working day. She was looking forward to tomorrow when she would interview Two-Face. Every so often, she peeks into his cell. A couple of times she saw him asleep. She also laughed at the memory when she kept knocking on his door to playfully tease him. His angry face calmed down when he noticed it was Annie messing around.

"Annie." He had barked. "Stop it." However he did not sound too cross. He heard her gentle laugh and it soothed him. Made him feel one...almost.

The joyful memory quickly faded from Annie's mind when Dr Blackwood entered. She opened the door with a big smile on her face.

"Knock knock." She laughed.

Annie did not find it very funny and continued putting her work in her bag. She did not want to seem rude but let out a blunt "hi" as Dr Blackwood shut the door behind her.

"So how was your session with Ivy? Any better?" Mr Blackwood asked.

"Well it was shorter than usual since Roxy left." Annie shot the doctor an accusing look. Her grin just widened so Annie continued. "There is something not right about you. I think my dad was wrong to employ you."

Dr Blackwood came closer making Annie step back a little. "And what exactly are you going to do about it Annie?Your just an intern."

"You were once too." Annie smirked.

Dr Blackwood watched her closely. "Well we all were once. I don't want to fight with you Annie. I like you kid. Remember all of our chats. I feel connected with you in some way."

Annie hesitated. What if she was giving this woman a hard time when she is innocent? She started to struggle with all her emotions. "Dr Blackwood. I am sorry. I don't know what has come over me lately. It's this place. It does stuff to you. You spend so much time procrastinating and not messing up. Before you know it, you've gone mad as well."

"I get that Annie. Really. We need to help each other. Maybe you and me could go out tomorrow." Catch up." She turned to leave when Annie piped up something.

"I don't like clowns. They scare me."

Dr Blackwood turned slowly. "Do I scare you?"

"No." Annie stated.

"Good. I would not want to do that Annie. You seeing Two-Face tomorrow right. Have fun."

Annie watched her leave then hurried to the file corner. She put a finger along the pile of books but Harleen Quinzel's file had gone missing. It was right here. She had checked quickly at lunch-time but Dr Blackwood was spying on her. Wishing that she had the courage to take it out, she then thought up another idea. Two-Face could give her the information she needs. What Harleen looks like? Her mannerisms and personality? Relationships? The lot. Smiling to herself, she looked forward to tomorrow morning. It could not come quick enough.

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