Riddles and Problems

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Annie's next inmate to try and "cure" was Edward Nigma aka The Riddler. Annie rolled her eyes. Stupid name. What was he? A copy of the Joker but only tells riddles instead of jokes? She was not very good at riddles and did not have time for any nonsense. Thoughts kept flashing through her head in that she was more interested in finding out who Doctor Harleen Quinzel was. She tried to put that thought out of her head.

"Come on Annie." She muttered to herself. "This guy needs your help." Upon opening the door, she saw a thin man with fiery red hair trying to work out a rubix cube. She watched as he immersed himself in the little device. Twisting and turning it to sort out the coordinated colours. He ignored her as she sat down. Feeling awkward she cleared her throat. Grinning, he continued however she knew that he was fully aware of her presence.

"Mr Nigma? My name is Dr Sharp."

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance Doctor however I am a little occupied at the moment." He did not take his eyes off the cube and sounded impatient.

Annie stared at him then almost jumped when Dr Blackwood entered the cell.

"Now now Edward." She said sweetly. "Let's put that away." She took the rubix cube from him making him stare at her menacingly. "I love these things. Good morning Doctor Sharp." She nodded to Annie who waved.

"Have i not seen you before Doctor?" Edward questioned looking directly at Dr Blackwood.

"I can't say that we have. Why? Recognise me from somewhere?" She gazed at him with her blue eyes. Edward stared for a few moments then shook his head roughly.

"You have taken my rubix cube. I want it back."

"Sorry" She left saying one single word under her breath. "Chump."

Once Dr Blackwood had left, Annie took out her notebook and got started. "So, Mr Nigma. I am here to help in any way possible. I understand the majority have..."

"What gets broken without being held?" The Riddler rushed his riddle fast seeing Annie's shocked reaction.

"I am not sure. I am not very good at riddles."

The Riddler clasped his hands together and shook his leg up and down as if he could not sit still for one minute. A worthy observation. "A promise Doctor. Promises time and time again that these people are trying to accomplish but fail to due to their ignorance."

"Let's skip the riddles." Annie told him harshly. She started scribbling away taking in his body gestures, language and tone of his voice. He was not the most friendliest of inmates by far.

"I know plenty about you from your files." Annie commented.

"Which particular word in the dictionary is spelt incorrect?"

That was easy. Although Annie was not falling for it. "Incorrect."

The Riddler smiled. "That I have to say is correct." He gleefully stated. "You know nothing about me from those obnoxious files. Diagnosis after diagnosis. No I am still not cured."

"Your obsession with riddles does not help." Annie said coolly.

"THEY ARE ALL I HAVE." The Riddler lost his calm demeanour and started waving his arms around impatiently. "You treacherous vipers are all the same. Nothing will ever change. You think I am mad after all. I will tell you exactly where you think I should go.

"What makes it, has no need of it.
Who buys it, has no use for it.
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
What is it?"

Annie thought for a moment. She watched as the Riddler made time -ticking noises and she shrugged.

"God you are stupid." He grinned. "Think about it doctor and let me know where exactly you think I should be."

Annie noticed her time had ended but could not get the riddle out of her mind. She exited the cell after bidding farewell to the Riddler who did not respond. Shrugging she went off to the file room to check on more interesting matters.

"Harleen Quinzel." She muttered. If her father had caught her in there, she knew that there would be trouble. Luckily she had picked the right time as the warden currently was in a meeting with some of the prison officers. Poor guys. Annie thought as she searched under Q. Spotting it, she cheered inside her head however jumped when a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Gotcha." It was Dr Blackwood who laughed. "Did I give you a jump little Annie?"

Annie breathed a sign of relief although was still shaking. "Please don't scare me like that."

Dr Blackwood turned an eye towards the files and gave a small sinister smile. "What are you looking for?"

"Umm....Quincy...my dad wants me to get his file."

Dr Blackwood stared maintaining a creepy smile. "Should you not be looking under S then silly? S for Sharp."

"Yes...silly mistake." Annie chuckled nervously. Something about Dr Blackwood started freaking her out. It reminded her of the first time she met her. She went over to the files containing the surnames beginning with S and searched. Taking out her father's file containing his past history at Arkham and his profile, she smiled at the creepy woman standing behind her. "Found it. Thanks." She made her way out hearing Dr Blackwood laugh.

After a long day's work, Harley made her way home. She did not have a chance to inject anymore inmates with that blue substance. "I wonder what that kid was doing." She muttered tapping her nose. "Something is up with that girl. Q...hmmm which criminal nutter has a surname beginning with Q?" She squeaked and laughed loudly.

The Joker was sitting on a couch opposite the television which was currently off. Harley came in greeting him.

"Hello Mr J. I am back."

The Joker rolled his eyes. "How was work? Did you put any more inmates to sleep?"

Harley shrugged. "Did not have a chance puddin. I am sorry. Was so busy today but will try and do it tomorrow with lots of patients. I injected Bane. He called me a bitch...little sucker."

"WHAT?" The Joker turned to her seething and started his way towards her. "You mean to tell me that you exposed yourself?" He raised a hand to whack her.

"Nobody is going to believe him Mr J." Harley put her hands up in front of her face to defend herself and winced.


"It was Mr J." Harley squeaked in a tiny voice. "But nothing came of it. Really."

Joker grabbed Harley by her Jester hat and shook her. "Next time, you keep your silly disguise on. You are Dr Blackwood not Harley Quinn. Get it?" He pushed her to the floor.

"WHY SHOULD I DO THESE THINGS FOR YOU? ALL YOU DO IS PUSH ME AROUND." Harley started shouting and held a gun to her lover's head.

"Now now Harl." The Joker chuckled nervously. "I was just joking around kiddo. You know me. I like to kid." He did a silly little dance. The corners of Harley's mouth twitched and she started laughing.

"I love it when you dance like that. You're so funny."

"Just don't screw this up. Next time..."

Harley nodded. "I know. I am Dr Blackwood not the awesome me."

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